
2022-05-19 23:12:56


  Section One

  场次 20110903 2008

  场景 问卷调查

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 电话调查某城市本地人对该城市的满意度和建议。

  1. 地址:Fowler Road

  2. 邮编:RO62LR

  3. 职业:Waiter


  4. Streets 的干净程度

  5. Health Service 的满意度

  6. Police 的印象


  7. 一个是 parks 有很多可以跟老婆散步

  8. 还有一个是有 schools,很方便

  9. 可以和 local 交流

  10. swimming pool

  Section Two

  场次 20120414 200908 2007

  场景 其他

  题型 填空 7 配对 3

  内容概述 介绍一个会所,社团

  填空 7

  1. Hot drinks and cakes

  2. 中午会提供的食物:salads

  3. Parent and tutor

  4. Story

  5. 运动:stretching movments

  6. Bring your own mat

  7. 人名:Mrs. Waddell. 电话号码 667812

  配对 3

  a. book in advance 提前预订

  b. free enter 不要钱

  c. pay at the door 来了交

  d. pay after your finish 来了以后走时交

  e. pay in advance 提前交

  8. 小孩的那个-A

  9. 体育的那个-C

  10. Quiz 的那个-B

  Section Three

  场次 20160605

  题型 单选 6 配对 4

  内容概述 师生针对研究报告进行交谈

  单选 6

  21.Why it is important to complete the report.

  A. Go into personal profile

  B. Help lesson option for next semester

  C. Help next presentation

  2. What is the tutor's suggestions for the first draft of the report?

  A. revise some part

  C. Some statistics are confusing

  3. How did they choose course sites?

  A. choose one which is easy to access to

  B. Selected carefully in a map

  C. Pick them at random

  4. What's the personal aim of this field trip?

  A. just to apply field techniques learned

  B. Measuring a tree density

  C. Find out the ingredient of the soil

  5. Why do you want to include others data?

  A. make report more valid

  6. Which measures do you find easy to take?

  A.use elevator to observe the height of the land

  B. Measure the height of the vegetable

  Section Four

  场次 20110105 20110709 2009104 20081108

  学科 教育

  题型 单选 2 填空 8

  内容概述 坚持能力研究,讨论 education 分组和所设计的一些学习项目

  单选 2

  1. samples in the subject course students have commom features:

  选 an age group

  2. elder students are more influenced by

  选 impact from their family

  (先说没想到学生不是考虑 Financial 什么的,最后提到了 family
