
2022-05-28 20:27:23


  Section One

  场次 20110213 20120519 20070901 2008 2006

  场景 其他

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 一位男子刚搬进一个社区,询问关于订报纸和垃圾回收分类等相关情况。关


  1. Waste of newspaper is collected: Every second week

  2. 名字:Peter Wisborough (人物拼写)

  3. 地址:NO.16 Bridge Road

  4. 最近的受理点:Central Park

  5. free of charge :A yellow box


  7. 邮箱:helpline@blackcat.com

  8. 可以回收:Metals

  9. 不回收:Magazines

  10. Savvy booklet(常识,介绍手册的名字)

  Section Two

  场次 20160507 2015067 20110907 20110604 20101218 20090212 2006

  场景 其他

  题型 单选 5 填空 5

  内容概述 摄影师介绍一张照片红松鼠 red ‘squirrel'

  单选 5

  1. Harren 认为红松鼠的拉丁名字: 选 A

  A. suitable for this species

  B. meaningless

  C. amusing

  2. 红松鼠减少是因为:选 C

  A. 外来物种

  B. disease

  C. food 减少 (没有 nuts 吃了)

  3. Harren 怎么知道是红松鼠而不是老鼠:选 B

  A. 吃东西的品种

  B. 吃东西的方式 how the food was eaten (老鼠用牙咬个洞吃的,但是红松鼠是把壳

  分成两半,把仁取出 来吃掉的)

  C. 存储的方式

  4. Harren 拍摄时的 restriction 选 A



  C. 只在一个地方拍

  5. Harren 为什么能拍好照片?选 B

  A. 大量的练习

  B. 得到 tutor 的很多帮助

  C. 设备很好

  Section Three

  场次 20121020 20101014

  题型 填空 6 配对 4

  内容概述 讲的是两个学生讨论如何开展对老人的调查访问,他们的住址在哪里,然后是取得到他们的东西、让他们明白调查什么,一男一女要准备些


  填空 6

  1. 名单和资料从 phone book 里找,Find the name list and materials from the

  phone book and then get the trust from the elderly people.

  2. For preparation: identify suitable topics for the participants.

  3. Develop trust to get the acceptance of the manager.

  4. 给老人们阐述课程 purpose. Explain the purpose.

  5. May record the process.

  6. Need to make a film.

  配对 4

  A: relative of student B: museum

  C: antique shop D: Participant E: internet

  F: market

  7. The first photo ----- D. participant

  8. The second photo ----- A. relative of the student

  9. The third is cloth ----- B. museum

  10. The forth store toy ----- F. internet café

  Section Four

  场次 20150704 2011084

  学科 植物

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 藏红花

  1. number of saffron 50 grams made: 11000

  2. method of preservation: by drying

  3. to sell it as powder

  Modern usage

  4. diet of rice/common dishes (and is widely used in cooking in many cuisines)

  Medical applications

  5. to treat disorders of eyes

  6. in a rats experiment, to avoid light damage (early studies show that saffron

  may protect the eyes from the direct effects of bright light and retinal stress


  Domestic applications in Ancient countries

  7. In ancient Greek and ancient Crest, people dye for clothes
