When was the last time you bought a flower?
Do flowers in your country have different connotations being put in different positions?
Do flowers have any special meanings in your country?
Do people in your country like to send flowers as gift?
Do you often use maps?
Who taught you how to use a map?
Do you prefer electronic map or paper maps?
What qualities should a good teacher have?
Do you have a favorite teacher?
Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
What kinds of teachers do you like?
Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?
Do you like any foreign celebrities?
Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy?
How do celebrities influence their fans in your country?
High school
What were some of the most popular activities at primary school?
Have you ever returned to see your old school again?
Are you still in contact with any of the friends you had in primary school?
What subjects did you study in secondary school (=high school)?
What’s your favorite color?
Are there any colors you dislike (Why?)
Were colors important to you when you were a child?
What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room?
Do you think different types of people like different colors?
What kinds of snacks do you like to eat?
Is it healthy to eat snacks?
Do your parents allow you to eat snacks?
What was the most popular snack when you were a child?
What kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat?
Foreign food
Have you ever tried foreign food?
What kinds of new food have you tried recently?
What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?
Do you like any food from the countries near China?
Are there any TV channels in your country that don’t have adverts?
Do you enjoy watching adverts on TV?
What are the best ways for ordinary people to advertise something they want to sell in your country?
What is it that makes an advert effective?
Rainy days
Do you like rainy days?
What do you do on rainy days?
Do you think rain is good?
Does rain ever affect transportation in your hometown?
Save money
Did you save money when you were young?
Do your parents give you money for house cleaning?
Have you ever given money to other children?
Do you think parents should teach children to save money?
Being bored
What will do when you feel bored?
When you were young, what would you do if you felt bored?
What kinds of things are boring to you?
Do you think young people are more likely to get bored?