
2022-05-26 16:29:26


  Section One

  场次 20161008 2010059 20090207

  场景 健身咨询

  题型 填空 7,选择 3

  内容概述 女士打电话咨询关于健身房的信息

  填空 7:

  1. women

  2. health check

  3. every 6 weeks

  3. yoga

  4. program

  5. yoga

  6. café

  7. massage

  单选 3

  8. A Gold Membership off-peak: in the evenings of weekdays

  9. A Silver membership has to pay extra $5: every time using the club

  10. B Gold membership: $57 per month (Join fee was $500 but this weekend is


  Section Two

  场次 20160813 2011097 20110813 20100520 20091205 2006

  场景 旅游介绍

  题型 填空 4 单选 2 配对 4

  内容概述 关于 mitchell island 的 travelling advice

  选择 2

  1. 可以坐什么交通工具到小岛上? A

  A. plane B. ferry C. hovercraft C. hover craft 为干扰项是,但是他又说这个项目被

  取消了还是怎么了,所以 不能选。

  2. 第二个选择题是问坐出租车需要彭彭提请注意什么?选 B.

  A. uncomfortable B. unroadworth C. unregistered

  配对 4

  3-6.是 Matching 题,要求分别把 E-east coast;N-north coast;W-west coast 对


  3. 第一个服务好像是什么餐饮之类的,self-cafeteria restaurant 这一项填 E

  4. natural walk to amusing park,填 N

  5. shop,不用填

  6. 第四个高尔夫课程 Golf Course,填 N

  填空 4

  7. tropical diseases

  8. 要带 bottles of water

  9. snakes 原文:因为说是东海岸有危险动物,好像是例如西海岸的蛇

  10. 岛上唯一有犯罪记录的是 monkeys 原文:这里唯一提到过的“犯罪”是谁干的,


  Section Three

  场次 20160605

  题型 单选 6 配对 4

  内容概述 师生针对研究报告进行交谈

  单选 6

  21. Why it is important to complete the report.

  A. Go into personal profile

  B. Help lesson option for next semester

  C. Help next presentation

  2. What is the tutor's suggestions for the first draft of the report?

  A. revise some part

  C. Some statistics are confusing

  3. How did they choose course sites?

  A. choose one which is easy to access to

  B. Selected carefully in a map

  C. Pick them at random

  4. What's the personal aim of this field trip?

  A. just to apply field techniques learned

  B. Measuring a tree density

  C. Find out the ingredient of the soil

  5. Why do you want to include others data?

  A. make report more valid

  6. Which measures do you find easy to take?

  A.use elevator to observe the height of the land

  B. Measure the height of the vegetable

  Section Four

  场次 20150410 2011089 20110915

  学科 科技

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 有关 bionomics 仿生学的,人从自然和昆虫(蜘蛛)中获取技能。

  填空 10

  1. Arctic (Eskimo) people copy the hunting skill spider.

  2. silk which is stronger than steel.

  3. finer than human hair application

  4.environmentally friendly equipment for fishing

  5. treat sports (athlete) injures

  6. medical stitches: self-dissolving (removal) pain.

  7. Problem: noise of a train

  Owl : artificial skill

  8.skatingboards used by Olympic

  9. vibration on plane and end of a tunnel

  10.reduce the loss of energy
