文章题目 Newly Hatched birds
文章大意 有一种通过敲击蛋壳加速蛋的孵化,并解释了同时孵化的原因。后面又比较了各种鸟的喂食方式。
文章题目 Human Rights to animal
文章大意 ?科学家们有不同见解, Rights)。讨论的冲突点在于:,还是只给灵长类动物;平衡点在哪里, pet 和农场就不复存在了;权利该给与多少
题型 选择填空 5+选择 5+判断 4
文章题目 Timekeeping
文章大意 文章介绍了四种不同的计时方式的在过去和当今的不同地区的应用
题型 判断 4 配对 6 选择 3
1.The sundials have always been inaccurate to record time in ancient Egypt. (F)
2.The wooden shade clock were the only way to indicate period. (F)
3. (T)
4.Burning powder (NG)
Questions 5-10 Matching
NB: You may use any letter more than once.
A. Sundial
B. Wooden shade clock
C. Clepsydra
D. Oil lamp clock
文章题目 The tuatara-past and future
文章大意 新西兰蜥蜴生活习性的地特性,数量不断减少。减少的原因和采取的措施,但效果未知。新西兰一个机构正致力于保护,并且越来越多的人加入栖息地进行保护。通过历史的发现以及各个科学家的研究,说明谁最先到岛上生存,最后说将来给后代留下的不仅仅是动物。
参考阅读: Tuatara are reptiles endemic to New Zealand. Although resembling most lizards, they are part of a distinct lineage, the order Rhynchocephalia. Their name derives from the Māori language, and means "peaks on the back" The single species of tuatara is the only surviving member of its order, which flourished around 200 million years ago. Their most recent common ancestor with any other extant group is with the squamates (lizards and snakes). For this reason, tuatara are of great interest in the study of the evolution of lizards and snakes, and for the reconstruction of the appearance and habits of the earliest diapsids, a group of amniote tetrapods that also includes dinosaurs, birds, and crocodilians...
文章题目 Living with uncertainty
文章大意 澳洲的气候变化无常,所以那里的生物需要很强的应变能力。有一种 P 鸟可以知道什么地方什么时候下雨,可以提前飞去找水喝。当地人为了狩猎把森林烧掉,另一种要吃 salt bush 的鸟就因此灭绝了。欧洲人来了之后大量种植 wheat,Emu 喜欢吃,所以繁殖很快。
题型 判断 7+简答 6
1.Aboriginal 做了什么来方便他们打猎 lit fire
2. G 鸟灭绝的原因:salt bush
3. Emu 吃 wheat