
2022-06-14 21:39:05


  场景 旅游介绍

  题型 单选 3,配对 7

  内容概述 女生介绍沙漠之旅。沙漠旅行。一个 desert travel agency 的介绍。都去哪里,在那里都能干些什么

  场景 景点规定

  题型 填空 3,单选 7

  内容概述 说的是一个什么组织在澳大利亚机场检查违禁物之类的一些规定。

  单选 7

  11. The main aim of the service is to A. educate people

  12. The number of people working at Sydney airport is A. 440

  13. Dogs are chosen because B. They stay calm.

  specifically: A.have good smell B. kept clam C. easier trained

  14. The number of postal items that were dealt with last year amounted to A. 52,000

  15. People carrying items that are not allowed C. will be given a warning.

  16. When goods carried are found with insects, they will B. be dealt with by the

  学科 生物

  题型 单选 8,填空 2

  内容概述 有关海洋生物的报告,例如海豹,海藻,海藻,食人鲸等

  31. why today’s research is more accurate than the past:

  A. better equipments

  B. wider geographical cooperation

  C. team work improves their work efficiency

  32.What is main idea of this lecture:

  A. impact of a special extinction on other species

  B. human activities impacts to the environment

  C. conservation of species

  33. About 1000 years ago, sea otter was captured in the area of: village


  学科 动物

  题型 填空 6,单选 4

  内容概述 蜜蜂用什么来 navigation 以及这个功能在人类身上的应用帮助盲人等,蜜蜂视觉和人类视觉

  学科 建筑

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 荷兰立体房屋介绍 cube house

  填空 10

  31. as a function of village

  His design represents a village within a city

  32. Each cub building’s shape like a tree

  The concept behind these houses is that he tries to create a forest by each cube

  representing an abstract tree; therefore the whole village becomes a forest.

  33. on the top of bridge in central city

  The city of Rotterdam asked him to design housing on top of a pedestrian bridge and

  he decided to use the cubic houses idea.

  34. he met the problem of finance
