Section One
场次 20160227 20120512
场景 投诉
题型 填空 10
内容概述 订机票和投诉处理,抱怨航空公司不允许带两个以上小孩
填空 10
1. Name: Quigley
2. She wants to buy 4 tickets return tickets
3 . leaving at 12:30 am
4. The words on the website page: error message
5. can only take 2 children (但她有三个孩子,5 岁、8 岁和 11 岁)
6. under 12 years old (12 岁以上要收费)
7. She thinks it is unfair for huge families and school group
8. children need less food
9. letter to go to the manager
10. GDK8422
Section Two
场次 20160319B 20121011
场景 其他
题型 地图 5,单选 5
内容概述 关于 Mentor 的介绍,可以帮助外地人
单选 5
关于 mentor 的
11. 选 住的时间长,因为原文说 several years
12. 选 B, 原文中 mentor 能告诉你哪里的东西便宜
13. 城市能提供什么
A.Leaflets in foreign languages
B. Free translation
C.Leaflets for family
14. 选 C,需要花一段时间 settle down
15. 待补充
地图题 5 待补充
Section Three
场次 20160305 20120922 20100520
题型 填空 3,多选 3,配对 4
内容概述 两个学生讨论论文问题
配对 4
A. Need more examples
B. Too long
C. Fully prepared
D. Use existing overview version
E. Not relevant
21.Assignment introduction -- C. Fully prepared
22.Body structure -- D. Use existing overview version
23.Methods technology -- B. Too long
24.Conclusion -- A. Need more examples
填空 3
25.Woman wants to set a listening task for presentation.
26.Man: speakers can be divided to discuss as a group.
27.Practice taking notes
多选 3
What should be put emphasis on presentation’s conclusion?
28.A. User friendliness or E. Improve computer skills
29.C. chat room
30.F. Global access