场景 医疗咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 病人咨询后背伤痛
填空 10
2017年11月4日雅思机经小范围预测汇总 | |
1. Name: Ridyard
2. Address: 27 Station Road
3. Date of birth: 25 February
4. Pain: lower back
5. Cause : lift up a heavy box
6. Started 3 days ago
7. Get worse this afternoon
8. Have taken painkillers
9. Advice: try to use ice
10. Advice: get more information about exercise
场景 求职咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 女人求职运动中心
填空 10
Personal Details
1.Home address 130, Pitchely avenue
2. mobile phone number 07785206439
relevant experience
work in 3.accountant department at the Mason office assistant
4. able to be a swimming coach qualities: has national ***certificate
5.be able to deal with different people
Good at problem solving
6.good at concentration
Physical condition
7 excellent vision
8. be happy to: work Sunday morning
9. Do some cleaning and administrative
10. applicant know this job from newspaper read on the bus radio
场景 活动介绍
题型 单选 4,配对 6
内容概述 野生动物志愿者组织的介绍
单选 4;
B. introduce animal to the wild world
12.参加这个活动的 volunteer 需要什么条件 C. medical test
C. only accommodation
14.参加活动的人将很难适应的是 B climate
配对题 6
15.make friend
16.wild animal
17.career prospect
场景 场馆介绍
题型 单选 6,配对 4
内容概述 科技博物馆
单选 6
11. 哪些人参加了问卷
12. 共同点:都带了小孩
13. 马上要推出什么:选 B. plants
14. 变化,选 cafe
15. Cinema 还有什么用途?选开 party
16. 员工应该干什么?选 B. 帮忙想办法筹钱
配对 4
17. 选 suitable for all ages
18. 选 takes hi-tech effects
19. 选 show first time in the city
20. 选 new technology
题型 单选 6,配对 4
内容概述 师生针对研究报告进行交谈
单选 6
21.Why it is important to complete the report.
A. Go into personal profile
B. Help lesson option for next semester
C. Help next presentation
22.What is the tutor's suggestions for the first draft of the report?
A. revise some part
C. Some statistics are confusing
23.How did they choose course sites?
A. choose one which is easy to access to
B. Selected carefully in a map
C. Pick them at random
24.What's the personal aim of this field trip?
A. just to apply field techniques learned
B. Measuring a tree density
C. Find out the ingredient of the soil
25.Why do you want to include others data?
A. make report more valid
26.Which measures do you find easy to take?
A.use elevator to observe the height of the land
B. Measure the height of the vegetable
配对 4
A. more training before the trip
B. Reduce complexity
C. Repeat it in the near future
D. Offer a wider range
E. Organize in a better way
F. Give more details
28.Data collecting sheet—E
29.Reference material—D
30.Group work with strangers—C
学科 动物
题型 填空 10
内容概述 一种濒危动物的研究,新西兰的鸟
填空题 10
31. Nest has been built on the coastline or next to rivers
32. This bird had only 3 pairs survived in a investigation in 1984.(1984 年的调查发现这种
鸟只剩 3 pairs)
33. It’s very difficult to estimate the population of birds.(很难去正确估计鸟的数量)
34. 导致数量减少的人为原因 home 和 farming on the coast.
35. eggs have been eaten by snakes, mouse and tortoise. (鸟蛋被蛇、老鼠、乌龟吃了)
36. 导致数量减少的自然原因:destroyed by storm
37.怎样保护 guard
38. Build a fence
39. Catch the wild
40. 靠什么方法来宣传保护:Protection campaign advertised by media