2017年2月16日雅思听力预测【小范围】Section 1 &Section 2重点场景(生活类):对话、电话预定、租房、旅游活动报名、加入会员(重点)等,注意数字、号码、人名、地名、时间;
2017年2月16日雅思听力预测【小范围】Section 3 &Section 4的重点场景(学术类):独白介绍某事物、学术讨论、作业讨论,注意掌握机经中陌生的词汇。
AGENT: We'll fill in the personal details on thisapplication form first,if that's OK?
STUDENT: Yes,that's fine.
AGENT: Now,what's your name again?
STUDENT: Anita Newman - that's N-E-W-M-A-N.
AGENT: And your address,Anita?
STUDENT: I'm in one of the Halls of Residence forpost-graduate students,you know,InternationalHouse.
AGENT: OK - that's easy.What's your room number there?
STUDENT: Room B569 - no sorry B659.I always get that wrong.I haven't been living there verylong.
AGENT: Do you have any other skills?Typing,language,that sort of thing?
STUDENT: Well, I speak some Japanese.
AGENT: Right,I'll make a note of that.