Task 1
“你方唱罢我登场” ,接力棒基本会交回到图表题的手中。而且AB卷趋势的偃旗息鼓也意味着我们暂时不用跟剑桥官方像打德州扑克一样过
于的揣摩和算计了,所以仍就像上次预测中所说的那样,重点准备 线图和 柱图。
Roger IELTS ★★★☆
Task 2
如预测所料,由于 AB 卷在 11 月都出现过说明文题目,所以 12 月的前两场
考试题型又回归到了常规议论文题型上来。 接下来如果按照前几个月的趋势推算
的话, 剩下两场考试应该会有一场说明文, 楼主个人认为 出现的可能性更
12-3 就业话题,12-5 媒体话题,基本都算是楼主上次给出的预测题范围之
内的话题。而这也再次印证了楼主之前的一种猜测:4 月很有可能会出现一些
2014 年出现过的小概率题目:例如 建筑文化, 生活习惯, 城市发展等。当然除
此之外,前两个月曾经扎堆出现的 教育类题目也很可能在年底出现返场,这也是
最近几年考试的一个常见规律。 最后, 在 环境类和 犯罪类这两个最近半年的新兴
1. Some people say that children should obey the rules of their parents and
teachers, while other people think children will not be well-prepared for their
adult life if they are given too much control. Discuss in both sides and give your
2. A long-distance flight consumes the same amount of fuel and causes the
same amount of pollution as a car does in several years. Some people think
that to reduce environmental problems, we should discourage non-essential
flights, such as tourist air travel, instead of limiting the use of cars. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
3. Some findings have revealed that cities around the world are growing large.
Could you outline the possible causes and predict consequences?
4. The private motor vehicle has greatly improved individual freedom of
movement. Moreover, the automobile has become a status symbol. Yet the
use of private motor vehicles has contributed to some of today's most serious
problems. How can the use of private motor vehicles be reduced?
5. Some people think that vertical city is the best, where people live and work
in tall buildings. Others think that “horizontal” city is better, where there are few
tall buildings. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
6. Some people think the main reason for success is hard work and
determination. While other people think factors like money and personal
appearance are also important. Discuss both views and give your own
7. The science tells us that some activities are good for us and some are
harmful to us, despite knowing that, millions of people all over the world
continue with unhealthy activities. What is your understanding of this? What do
you think could be done to address this?
8. Every year several languages die out. This is not important because life will
be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
9. Some people believe that if a police force carries a gun, it will encourage a
higher level of violence in the whole society. To what extent do you agree or