
2022-05-23 15:32:15






  1、Music & Singing 音乐&唱歌

  Do you like listening to the music?

  What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

  Do you like the same kinds of music you liked when you were little?

  Do you prefer live music or recorded music?

  Do you like singing?

  2、Evening activities/events 晚上活动

  What do you often do in the evening?

  What do you dislike to do in the evening?

  Do you prefer the day time or night time?

  Do you often study at night?Why?

  Do you do the same thing in the evenings of ween days and weekends?

  3、Stay at home 待在家里

  Do you often stay at home?

  What do you like to do at home?

  4、Country 祖国

  Which part in China do you come from?

  What change are there in your country?

  Are there anything you want a change in your country?

  5、Plant / Flowers 植物/鲜花

  When was the last time you bought a flower?

  What kinds of flowers do you like?

  Do flowers in your country have different connotations being put in different positions?

  Have you planted any flowers at home?

  Do flowers have any special meanings in your country?

  Do people in your country like to send flowers as gift?

  6、Noise 噪音

  Is your working place or study place noisy?

  What kinds of sounds do you like to listen to?

  What kinds of sounds do you dislike?

  Is the place you live noisy?

  Do you think the world is getting more and more noisy?

  7、Walking 步行

  Do you like walking?

  Do you walk to school or the working place?

  Where do you think is most suitable for walking?

  8、Hats 帽子

  Do you like wearing hats? Why?

  Did you like wearing hats where were young?

  Do you prefer fashionable or comfortable hats?

  What kinds of hats do you like?

  What kinds of hats do you dislike?

  9、Art/Painting 艺术/画画

  Are you interested in arts?

  Do you want to learn arts in the future?

  What kinds of art forms do you like?

  What kinds of art forms do you dislike?

  Do you like drawing or painting?

  10、Communicating 交流

  Are you good at communicating with others?

  How do you usually communicate with your friends?

  How often do you communicate with your parents?

  Do you think there is any difference between communicating with friends and parents?

  11、Gift 礼物

  Do you often giving gifts to others?

  In what occasions do you send gifts?

  Do you think it's difficult to choose a gift?

  12、Sunny days 晴天

  Do you prefer sunny days or cloudy days?

  Do you like rainy days?

  What do you often do in sunny days?

  What kinds of outdoor activities do you often do?

  13、Birthday 生日

  Do you think birthday is very important?

  How do you celebrate birthdays?

  How children in your country celebrate birthdays?

  What kinds of people like to celebrate birthdays?

  14、Advertisement 广告

  Do you prefer to get advertisement by listening or watching?

  Where do you often see the advertisement?

  Do you like the advertisement on TV?

  Do you think advertisement online are useful?

  15、Patience 耐心

  Do you think patience is important?

  Do you have patience?

  How to improve patience?


  House or Apartment 房子或公寓

  Study or Work 学习或工作

  Hometown 家乡

  Handwork/Handcraft 手工

  Science 科学

  Public transport (bus) 公交

  Dancing 跳舞

  Bike 自行车

  Computers 电脑

  Weekends 周末

  Park 公园

  Movies 电影

  Color 颜色

  Emails and Letters 邮件和信

  Outdoor activities 户外活动

  Museum 博物馆

  Teamwork 团队合作

  Magazine or Newspaper 杂志或报纸

  TV 电视

  Snack 小吃




  1. 描述一个对你道歉的人( describe a person who apologized to you)

  part3 什么情况下人们道歉? 什么时候道歉了但不是真的mean it ?家人之间经常道歉吗?

  2. 描述一个你敬佩的老人 ( describe a people older than you that you admire/ an older people you admire )

  part 3 老人家一般平时都是做什么? 年轻人和老人能相互学习什么?

  3. 描述一个你最好的朋友( describe one of your best friends ) when/how you know him/her ? what is she like ? what do you do when you are together ? and explain why he/she is your best friend

  part 3 friends are more important than relatives ? 人需要一个大的交际圈吗?有些人不善于交朋友,这对他们有什么影响? 有什么交友技巧可供他们学习吗? 男性的朋友关系与女性的朋友关系有什么不同吗?

  4. 描述你认识的一个人他/她第一次搬到独立的一个住处的情况( who , why he/she moved to his/her own accommodation ? how does he/she think of the accommodation ? what problems she/he may encounter ? )

  part 3 人们第一次搬出去自己住一般是什么原因? 人们自己住的时候会克服什么困难之前没遇到过的? 人们自己住需要什么skills ? 对于你来说在学校和在外面住有何不同的感受?

  5. 描述一个你敬佩的领导人(describe a leader you admire ( for example , business, politics or sport )

  part 3: what qualities should a leader have ? how to be a leader in the society ? how to be a leader in the society ? did leader have dis-moral value these days ?

  6. 描述一个你喜欢的家庭(describe a family( not your own ) you like )

  part 3 家里谁说了算? 为啥? 家长应该具备什么样的特点? 为什么之前是三代人住在一次现在更多是两代人住在一起?

  7. 描述你敬佩的一个创新的人(describe a person you admire )

  part 3 tell me the benefits for kids to master a musical instrument ? are you are creative person ? could you name some creative jobs ?

  8. 描述你想共处一个人(a person you want to spend time with )

  9. 描述你的一个好品质(describe a good part of your personality or character )


  1. 描述一个你借的有用的东西(describe a useful thing you borrowed )

  part3 what Chinese people usually borrow ? Will borrow thing make people uncomfortable ? How to do when you do not want to borrow ?

  2. 描述一张自己的照片 ( describe a photo of yours )

  part 3: 喜欢照相么? 现在的人用什么照相? 为什么人们喜欢照相? 现在的照片多还是以前的相片多? 为什么有些人不喜欢照相?

  3. 描述一件别人给你的衣服(describe a clothes someone gave to you )

  part 3: Why people in different countries wear different clothes ? possible all people wear the same clothes ? why do people like uniform at work ?

  4. 描述让你满意的产品(describe sth. You bought you were pleased with )

  part 3: 经常购物吗? 以前与现在相比购物方式有什么不同? 网购这么方便为什么还要建大型购物商场?人们为什么要买奢侈品? 你觉得价格贵的产品质量就好嘛? 认为降价怎么样?哪些地方可以讲价?

  5. 描述一个有趣的故事或者小说( describe an interesting story or novel )

  part 3:.why detective stories are so popular ? the difference between paper books and e-books ? which one is popular now ? do you think paper books will be old fashioned in the future ?

  6. 描述一个童年玩具(describe a toy you played in your childhood) ( what it is , who gave it to you, what does it mean to you )

  part 3 . Should parents buy their children expensive toys ? why do some people collect toys ? 有些时日的玩具是不是依然是worthy ?

  7. 描述第一次吃某种食物的经历( describe a kind of food that you ate at your first time )

  part 3 人们对食物的态度(中国人喜欢吃什么样的食物? 是否年轻人更愿意尝试没吃过的食物? 还有父母老师对孩子在食物方面的教育等等 你喜欢吃什么? 中国有什么特色的快餐? 年轻人爱吃什么?老年人爱吃什么? 长大以后口味会有变化吗? 为啥? 中国学生爱吃什么?

  8. 描述一个app( describe an app on mobile phone or computer

  Part 3 young and old people use the same app Should parent limit child use app? What app is popular in china?

  9. 描述你家保存的一个重要东西(describe sth. Important kept for a long time in your family )

  part 3 博物馆怎么使人受教育? 中国人怎么维系情感? 老年人和年轻人喜欢什么东西? 为啥?

  10. describe a thing you shared with others

  You should say:

  When you shared

  Who you shared with

  Why you shared with the person

  How you felt when you shared

  P3 孩子应该分享东西和others? 和别人分享accommodation ?


  1. 描述一个被污染的村庄或者地方(describe a place or village that has been polluted )在哪里,为啥去,有啥污染,你的感受?

  part 3:你还会再去吗?你的城市有什么污染?为啥有污染?为啥发展就要有污染?为啥发达国家(欧洲)有高水准但是更干净?为啥不能跳过或者加速这个过程来减少污染?

  2. 描述你最喜欢的家乡里某个地方( describe your favorite place in your hometown )

  part 3:城市与乡村的比较等等…

  3. 描述一个你感兴趣的公司(describe a company you are interested in , 是什么 如何了解,为什么, 是否愿意工作在那)

  part 3: 围绕大公司competition problem , 为何吸引人们?

  4. 描述你最喜欢的城市中的一个东西(describe the favorite thing you like in your city )

  part 3: in your country people how to release their pressure ?

  四、经历类( experience)

  1. 描述童年时期的一个快乐的家庭事件(describe a happy family event in your childhood )

  part 3: 父母在家庭中的职责?只有一个小孩好不好?开等等?

  2. 描述同朋友的一晚餐(describe a time you had a dinner with friend )

  part 3: 中国没事咋样?

  3.描述一个从小开始学习的技能(describe a skill you started to learn in your childhood )

  part 3: 小孩比成人更容易学习技能吗?为啥?如果成人也有像小孩一样多的时间能学好一项技能吗?

  4. 描述一个你很难做的决定(describe a decision that is difficult for you to do )

  part 3: 你每天都是做啥决定?选择衣服时,喜欢选择多的商店还是选择少的商店?小时候和成年人做一样的决定么?人都要做什么重要的决定?

  5. 描述一次早起的经历(describe a time you got up early )

  Part3 什么人会早起/为什么很多人厌恶早起/在日本有早到的习惯?你怎么看/什么情况下早到不好?

  6. 描述你犯的一个错误( describe a mistake you made )

  part 3:小孩子如何对待错误

  7. 描述你学习或工作后经常做的一个活动(describe an activity you usually do when your study or work end /describe an activity you do/did in school)

  part 3:activities indoor or outdoor,how to release stress?

  8. 描述一你人生的一积极变化(describe a positive change in your life, what , when , how )

  part 3: 科技发展在未来对工作的影响是啥?

  9. 描述你第一次用外语的经历

  Describe when the first time use foreign language

  You should say

  What happened

  Who you speak to

  What did you write and read

  part 3: how important to study foreign languages ? why people wanna to study ?

  10. 描述你收到的一个好消息的经历(describe a good news you received , when and where , what you did )

  part 3: 过去的新闻跟现在有啥区别?

  11. 描述你生气的一个经历(describe situation that you got angry part three 情感表达,中国男女谁更擅长表达情感?

  12. 描述一个东西能帮助你save money /a method that helps you to save money )

  part 3:你觉得是老师还是父母需要教小孩子攒钱?如何去鼓励小孩子攒钱?你觉得人们在日常生活中浪费钱的地方是什么?

  13. 描述你参加过的一个婚礼(describe a wedding you attended )

  14. 描述你不喜欢的一个旅行( describe a short trip you disliked )

  五、媒体&娱乐类(Entertainment& Media & Others)

  1. 描述一个电视节目里看见的有趣故事 (describe an interesting story you watched in a TV program )

  part 3:看电视对家庭关系和孩子的影响 教学中放影片 未来趋势之类。

  2. 描述从报纸上或者杂志上看到一个新闻(describe a news on newspaper or magazine )

  part 3 do you prefer magazine or newspaper ? what are their positive or negative impact on teenagers ? how many kinds of magazines in China ? do you think journalist on TV is more qualified than that in newspapers ?

  3. 描述一个想做的工作(describe a job you want to do in the future )


  4.描述你第一次学的体育(describe a sport learnt for the first time. what was the sports? how you learnt it? why you chose this sport?

  part 3:.what sports Chinese like,do Chinese children sports often?

  5. 描述你未来的一个目标(describe a goal in the future )

  part3 process and result , which one is more important ?

  6. 描述你读过的一个文章(describe an article )

  part 3. 中国人是否活的健康?怎么样更健康?你国家的人爱diet吗?喜欢吃什么diet ? 你国家的健康信息来自哪?健康信息会不会有不好的地方?

  7. 描述一个你们家乡的有趣的传统( describe an interesting tradition in your hometown )

  Part 3 : the difference between life today and in the past the advantage and disadvantage of living a traditional life ?Do young people like traditional way of life?

  8.描述你想学习的一个课程(describe a course you would learn if you had time )


  1.Describe a short journey that you disliked

  You should say

  When and where you went to the journey

  Who you went to the journey with

  What you did during the journey

  and explain why you didn’t like it.

  2.Describe a wedding you have been to

  You should say:

  When you attended wedding

  Who you went with

  What kind of the wedding it was

  and explain how did you feel after you attended the wedding.

  3.Describe a situation that you got angry

  You should say:

  When it happened

  Who you were with

  How you dealt with this incident

  and explain why you felt angry about this.

  4.Describe a big company you are interested in

  You should say

  What the company is

  Where you heard it

  What kind of interesting activities it has

  and explain why you think it is interesting

  5.Describe an activity you do to keep fit

  You should say:

  What you do

  When you started doing this

  How much time you spend doing this

  and explain what benefits you get from this activity .

  6.Describe a program or app in your computer or phone

  You should say:

  What this app /program is

  How to use it

  Why you use this app

  and Explain the how the app influences your life.

  7.Describe a mistake that you once made

  You should say:

  What this mistake was

  When you made this mistake

  Who you were with?

  and explain what happened as a result

  8.Describe an occasion that you ate a kind of food for the first time

  You should say

  What the food was

  When you ate it

  Why you want to ate it

  and explain how you felt about it after you ate

  9.Describe a positive change you have had

  You should say:

  What the change is

  What you did because of this change

  What change it brought for you

  and explain about your feelings after the change.

  10.Describe a method that helps you save money

  You should say:

  What the way is

  How you know this way

  What you may do due to this way

  and explain whether it’s easy to save money as you do.

  11.Describe an old thing that you have kept for a long time

  You should say:

  What it is.

  How or when you first got it.

  How long you kept it.

  and explain why it is important to you.

  12.Describe your favorite season or time of the year

  You should say:

  What season (or time of the year) it is

  What the weather is like at the time

  What people usually do at this time

  and explain why you enjoy that season or time of the year

  13.Describe a leader who you admire/Describe a creative musician you admire

  You should say:

  Who this person is

  How he or she became a leader/musician

  What this person did (has done) that you admire

  and explain how this leader's /musician’s qualities impressed you.

  14.Describe an interesting public place that you like to visit

  You should say :

  Where it is

  How often you go there

  What you do there

  and explain why you think it’s an interesting place.

  15.Describe an important event from your childhood

  You should say

  What was it

  When it happened

  Where it happened

  And explain why is so important

