
2022-06-10 04:56:21


  Section One

  场次 2011044 2010066

  场景 租房咨询

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 Tenant Details 租房

  1. Title: manager

  2. Position: center 题目是 in the xx of the city

  3. Total staff number : 10 简单加法 10+20+10

  4. Preferred date: May 之前那个 house agent 说那个新地方 available 只有在

  Oct,但是这个女的说是他们的 租期 6 月份到期,所以最好 prefer May

  5. The size of new office 12000 有个混淆数字是 10,000

  6. Remove xx in the conference room 填 boards

  7. Store room needs enlargement 卷面词汇不是 enlargement ,但是这个意思

  8. Kitchen 那个 house agent 说这个厨房还是挺好的,但是那个女人说需要装修下

  9. A view of xx river

  Section Two

  场次 2011078 2010018 20090110

  场景 其他

  题型 填空 3 单选 7

  内容概述 说的是一个组织在澳大利亚机场检查违禁物之类的一些规定。

  单选 7

  1. The main aim of the service is to A. educate people

  2. The number of people working at Sydney airport is A. 410

  3. Dogs are chosen because B. They stay calm.

  specifically: A.have good smell B. kept clam C. easier trained

  4. The number of postal items that were dealt with last year amounted to A.


  5. People carrying items that are not allowed C. will be given a warning.

  6. When goods carried are found with insects, they will B. be dealt with by the


  7. A video that was checked was found with B. plant seeds

  填空 3

  8. The acceptable material for packing goods in Australia is paper.

  9. The belongings most of time are refused due to problems with the labels.

  10. The customs must be given notice of the goods from two to ten days

  before it arrives in Australia.

  Section Three

  场次 20150521 20110412 20111210 20091219

  题型 填空 5 多选 3 多选 2

  内容概述 男学生咨询女教授关于 report presentation,教学科目和方法研究的

  填空 5:

  1、poor quality of sound

  2、interview (with teachers)

  3、use a lot of questions

  4、survey of students

  5、too much noise

  多选 3:

  C (write a script)

  F (note card)

  G (practise with a partner)

  多选 2:

  A . re-read after several days

  C . proofreading(B 是 all data 对话中明显说不需要,Dmore research online 对


  Section Four

  场次 20150410 2011089 20110915

  学科 科技

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 有关 bionomics 仿生学的,人从自然和昆虫(蜘蛛)中获取技能。

  填空 10

  1. Arctic (Eskimo) people copy the hunting skill spider.

  2. silk which is stronger than steel.

  3. finer than human hair application

  4.environmentally friendly equipment for fishing

  5. treat sports (athlete) injures

  6. medical stitches: self-dissolving (removal) pain.

  7. Problem: noise of a train

  Owl : artificial skill

  8.skatingboards used by Olympic

  9. vibration on plane and end of a tunnel

  10.reduce the loss of energy
