Title: 去除咖啡因(lecture)
关于咖啡怎样被 decaffeinated(脱去咖啡因)而不破坏原来味道,然后包装。有一个图。讲 gas 怎样在高温高压下 XX(忘了这个物理名词)。decaffeinate 就是这个原理。咖啡豆经过这个过程到一个罐,然后又经过另一物理过程,就 crystalize(明确)了,可以包装了。
1) Main topic
2017年12月2日 |
2) What is the theory the process uses
3) Describe the process in the order of happening
Title: 动物社会的阶级性(lecture)
动物中的阶级,当王的动物有好处,譬如优先进食、休息区比较大。male 有王,female 也有王。若打架打输了,就会被同族看不起,失去王的地位。有的动物族群上级管下级,下级管再下级,有的族群就一只首领,管所有的成员。
举了一种狼做例子。但是统治地位不是固定的,比如鹿要是没了鹿角,就失去了统治地位。有时候动物会用些方法巩固地位,比如猴子,但是当 leader 也有缺点,外族来犯时 leader 会非常忙碌承担很多责任。
Title: 女生论文评语
(conversation)对话:某女生不明白教授对其论文评语,称自己随便挑了个社会学家理论写论文,许多内容不赞同,因此写得牵强;教授要求女生不应只罗列事实,应写出因果关系;可以博采众家理论,易于理解。 听力讲座:
1. What is the main purpose of the lecture?
A. To describe the potential impact that faster computers could have
B. To explain a specific approach to computer design and technology
C. To describe different functions computers can perform for their users
D. To explain Leonardo da Vinci's role in the history of computer design
2. Why does the professor discuss Leonardo da Vinci's work?
A. To explain the origin of the idea of old computing
B. To compare it to the work of other early inventors
C. To illustrate that some ideas in science were first suggested in works of art
D. To help explain the fundamental idea behind new computing
3、According to the professor, how is old computing different from new computing?
A. Old computing cannot be used to create complex programs.
B. Old computing tries to accommodate more types of users.
C. Old computing concentrates less on the needs of users.
D. Old computing focuses less on making fast computers.
4. According to the professor, what is an important step for developers to take in designing easy-to-use computers?
A. Determining the reasons that some computers are slow
B. Becoming familiar with the design of currently existing computers
C. Testing the new design for its compatibility with older systems
D. Getting information from potential users early in the design process
标题:Environmental policy
1. What is the lecture mainly about?
(A) Ways to generate heat for nuclear fusion
(B) Differences between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
(C) A controversial theory regarding how to generate nuclear fusion
(D) The possibility of establishing sustained nuclear fusion
2. According to the students, what are three advantages of nuclear
fusion over nuclear fission
Click on 3 answers.
(A) Nuclear fusion can use a fuel that is more easily obtained.
(B) Nuclear fusion can be achieved at lower temperatures.
(C) Nuclear fusion produces more energy.
(D) Nuclear fusion does not produce hazardous by-products.
(E) Nuclear fusion does not require as many natural resources.
3. Why does the professor mention isotopes of hydrogen?
(A) To correct a student's comment about how fusion takes place in stars
(B) To help answer a student's question about temperature requirements
for fusion reactors
(C) To explain what happens to hydrogen atoms during fusion reactions
(D) To justify the need for superconducting magnets in nuclear fusion
4. According to the professor, how will the ITER reactor differ from
earlier experimental fusion reactors?
Click on 2 answers.
(A) It will be transportable to different locations.
(B) It will sustain nuclear reactions through heat that it generates on its
(C) It will heat the fuel mixture to a higher temperature.
(D) It will confine the plasma in a more energy-efficient way
Narrator:Listen to a discussion in an environmental policy class.
Professor: So, today we’re going to wind up our discussion of alternative energy sources and we’re going to talk about one that often gets overlooked. That source is nuclear fusion as opposed to nuclear fission, which is already discussed. In nuclear fission, the centers of atoms, the nuclei, are broken up. This is the reaction today that drives today’s nuclear-powered stadiums. Nuclear fusion, on the other hand, is pretty much the opposite. It occurs when two atoms collide and then nuclei combine, or fuse, to form a heavier nucleus. This is the reaction that powers the Sun, all stars. So, who can tell me what makes fusion more attractive than fission as an energy source. Julie?
1. What is the lecture mainly about?
A. The influence of Incan culture on later Peruvian civilizations
B. The significance of archaeological findings in a region of Peru
C. The controversy surrounding a new method of archaeological
D. The renovation of rectangular pyramids found in Peru
2. Why does the professor discuss the Aspero site in Peru?
A. To provide evidence of an ancient Peruvian culture's knowledge of
irrigation techniques
B. To point out that the Aspero pyramids are different from those found
at other Norte Chico sites
C. To explain a belief about Peruvian history that was later challenged
D. To clarify which of the twenty residential centers in the Norte Chico
region was the largest
Narrator:Listen to part of a lecture in an archaeology class.
If I asked you to name an ancient civilization from Peru, many of you might say the Incas. But let’s consider instead the impact of a mysterious culture in north central Peru that thrived in a collection of valleys called the Norte Chico region. Archaeologists have been finding evidence that suggests that Norte Chico is the region where the early inhabitants of South America first began a pivotal transition from being hunters and gatherers and formed a complex and substantially developed society. This would be around 3,000 BCE, well before the Incas even existed. These sites were so advanced that nothing like them could be seen anywhere else in the Americas at the time. There’s no official name for the culture yet, but it seems that its architecture and development had a profound influence on subsequent culture in the Americas for thousands of years afterwards. At each site, archaeologists have identified one or more enormous platform mounds, sort of like rectangular-terraced pyramids, throughout the whole region, people were organized enough to plan and produce these large terraced pyramids, something the Americas have never seen before. And each of the sites apparently served as a residential center, so people lived and worked there. It seems they were farmers.