
2022-06-04 16:26:59



  student & professor

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  student & facilities director




  1. What is the main purpose of the lecture?

  A. To describe some methods and findings of ocean-acoustics research


  B. To compare whale songs with other underwater sounds

  C. To present evidence that climate change is affecting Antarctic ice

  D. To introduce students to the work of a leading ocean-acoustics researcher

  2. How does the professor organize the lecture?

  A. By describing a relatively new scientific discipline, then explaining how it began

  B. By describing deep-sea biological sounds, then comparing them with geological sounds

  C. By describing some deep-sea sounds, then discussing the challenge of identifying their source

  D. By defining interdisciplinary research, then giving an extended example of how it works

  3. According to the professor, what does Christopher Fox believe is the likely source of Slowdown?

  A. Airplanes flying low over the ocean

  B. A volcano on the ocean floor

  C. Groups of whales migrating

  D. Ice slipping across land

  4. What does the professor think may be an important use of ocean-acoustics research?

  A. It may help researchers identify mysterious sounds in other environments.

  B. It may provide new information about climate change.

  C. It may reveal a relationship between earthquakes and underwater volcanoes.

  D. It may help biologists track whales' migration routes.




  1. What is the lecture mainly about?

  A. Historical examples of speciation caused by barriers to gene flow

  B. How barriers to gene flow can lead to changes in plants and animals

  C. How barriers to gene flow affect mating behavior in related animals

  D. How humans have influenced the evolution of plant and animal species

  2. What point does the professor emphasize when she discusses birds and their songs?

  A. Male birds often change the pace and pitch of their song to attract a mate.

  B. Birds are sensitive to small variations in their species' song.

  C. There is no proof that local dialects of birdsong affect behavior.

  D. There is no solid evidence that an individual bird's song changes over time.

  3. According to the professor, why did Elizabeth Derryberry study the white-crowned sparrow?

  A. Its song has several regional dialects.

  B. Its behaviors are typical of those of other songbirds.

  C. Its evolution into two subspecies is well documented.

  D. Its song has been recorded over many years.

  4. How did Derryberry's research with female white-crested sparrows differ from her research with male white-crested sparrows?

  A. Only the female birds were in cages.

  B. More female birds than male birds were studied.

  C. Mating songs were only played to female birds.

  D. Male birds were studied for a longer time than female birds were.




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