Question:A city wants to help teachers ofits high school students (age14-18) improve their teaching. It is consideringtwo plans:
-Choose a small group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attenda class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach effectively,and they will then come back to their schools and provide that training forother teachers in school.
-Provide additional training in teaching effectively for high schoolteachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually.
In the contemporary society, the issue thathas given rise to much debate is how high school teachers improve theirteaching. Some hold the opinion that a group of excellent teachers would bechosen to attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how toteacher effectively, and then they will return to schools and train othersteachers in school. I concede their opinion, from my perspective, it is betterto use online material to provide additional training in teaching effectivelyfor each teacher who will study individually. Listed in the following contends,some reasons will demonstrate my ideas.
Firstly, when these excellent teachersreturn to school, the quality of their training for other teachers isuncertain. To be specific, there is possibility that they might not have acquiredthe core skills in teaching effectively which would result in that otherteachers in school receive a useless training. Therefore, this plan aimed atimproving teaching might not work. For example, the teachers who are trained byexperts are excellent teachers, which means that they could be pretentious anddon’t dedicate when they are attend the class, or some old teachers can’taccept these new teaching skills. So, when the times come that they are supposedto train others, especially new teachers who are desperately in need of skillsand experience, the training contents could be incomplete because somethingessential is missing or irrelevant to the training led by experts. Therefore,it turns out that this plan doesn’t work as expected. But conversely, it is awaste of time.
On the other hands, providing onlinematerial for training in teaching effectively is a convenient and efficient way.It is a widely acknowledged that, currently, it is more convenient for peopletake courses online anytime and anywhere, and they can also review the coursesover and over again. Therefore, in this plan, all teachers in the city can receivethe same training so that they can improve altogether. For teachers, the tight scheduleleaves them no time for training, but they can accomplish the training at homeby a computer having access to the internet. For the school, they can monitorthe hours teacher spend on the courses, and compare it to what degree thattheir students’ grades improve in the next semester to determine whetherteaching training is effective or not.
In a nutshell, from what have mentionedabove, we can safely draw the conclusion that it’s more reliable to use onlinecourses for each teachers instead of picking a group of teachers for training.