
2022-05-27 11:23:55






  1、Dating Error

  因为土地沉降问题,所以soil layer对于时间上的证明是不准确的。



  3、British Farmers





  3、小麦有reproduction process,所以一定会产生pollen,但是只发现了同时期其他植物的花粉,但是没有小麦的花粉,所以也不存在。


  The reading lists three possible theories about the domesticated wheat in Britain. However, the lecturer contradicts all those claims perspectively.

  First, about the dating error, which indicates that the wheat were actually much younger because of ocean wave transportation, the professor argues that the dirt in British is very dense, and there was no space for wheat to be downward and mixed up with older soil. Furthermore, other species in the upper soil have been discovered but they found nothing in the lower layers.

  As to the possibility of trade, the professor also claims that it was too hard to be realized. At that time, wheat only occurred in south Europe and the agriculture had not been well-developed in north Europe, which means the boats at that age cannot meet the need of traveling for such a long distance. Thus, the hypothesis of trade in the reading passage cannot stand either.

  Finally, the reading promotes an idea that there were a handful of farmers with certain skills to cultivate wheat. On the contrary, the professor starts with the theory that wheat have their own reproduction process, so they should release a characteristic pollen. In fact, no pollen were found in the layer of wheat, thus indicating that the wheat couldn't be cultivate artificially.


  Which one of the reason is most important in helping students to study in colleges and universities?

  A、Having access to the university to tutors who can provide individual instruction for the students who have difficulty in study.

  B、Having the help and encouragement from the family and friends.

  C、Having a excellent teachers in high-school who can help the students before the university.

  Use your OWN words to illustrate you point. Don’t use your memorized examples.


  During the Renaissance, in many European countries, universities were only available to those who were born with silver spoon in their mouth and most of children had to work up to almost 19 hours a day in dingy factories. But now even the children in poverty can get access into universities and all kinds of support and help are aim to help students perform better in their college life. Given the choice, I would prefer the help and support from my families and friends.

  We all believe that family members and friends are always in our position and know us better than tutors and high-school teachers. For those high-school students who are preparing for the university, parents give everything they have to provide their children with a better learning condition. Especially in Asian countries, the college entrance exam is a totally stiff competition that needs everyone to struggle through, during which the parents and friends act comprehensively as the tutors, the psychologists, the financial patrons even the servants for their daily life. Even though there is something wrong with those who are too dependent on parents and friends, the encouragement and supports from parents and friends can be adopted to some degree.

  In comparison, helping from high-school teachers are not suitable at all. It is undeniable that there are huge difference between high schools and colleges, including learning skills, lifestyle and the way you get along with others. In terms of learning skills, the teacher-oriented schooling is popular in high school class, which means what the students need to do is just to sit in silence, listen carefully to teachers and take the practices in and after class. But this pattern is totally inapplicable in university. The professor leaves large space for class discussion and further team work outside the school, which is actually a better and flexible way for students to get in touch with new knowledge. I don't think a high-school teacher with rooted habit of class domination can bring the directions that meet the need of college education.

  Some may claim that tutors are the better choice than parents and high-school teachers because they are professionals. The individual directions and pertinent advices are their specialties. Nevertheless, it is just suitable for kids. As an adult, being independent is the most important characteristic, or they will be at a loss in the occasion that no one helps them. The parents and friends also provide help but the difference is, they just provide help in materials, not directions in decision-making and project-planning. Thus, no matter what your age, independence in personality should not be overwhelmed by utilitarian goals.

  All in all, there is nothing wrong with the help of high-school teachers and tutors. For the best possible learning, though, families and friends are the biggest help you can have.


  T1、The university international office is going to hold a social events. Which one of the following choices do you think is the best?

  1. international food fair

  2. international music festival

  3. international film festival

  T2、Some people prefer sending messages while others prefer making phone calls directly, which one do you prefer?


  标题: The university decides to cancel the time workshop.


  原因 2:学期开始的时候,学生都很忙没有时间参加




  原因2:学期中、学期末学生也有很多其他事情要忙,不如一开始就去time arrangement workshop寻求帮助


  标題:Nest mate recognition



  例子: 一种在pine tree筑巢的蚂蚁,在觅食时,可以靠气温辨别其它的蚂蚁是不是也来自pine tree. 如果其它蚂蚁身上有pine tree的味道,那么说明来自同一个巢穴,可以分享食物,或者让另一只蚂蚁把食物搬回去;但是如果另一只蚂蚁身上有不熟悉的气味,说明它是其他巢穴的蚂蚁,就不会分享食物给它。

  T5、问題: 男生遇到问题,他的历史课需要两个同学合作完成group program. 但是他的partner因为course schedule太满,想要drop这节课。


  优点1 /





  T6、话題:paperless office



  要点2 :无纸化办公室能节省很多时间,不用翻阅很多文件来寻找自己想要的信息




