Which of the following three subjects would you choose to learn? Math, painting or science. And what you want to learn from this subject. Please include specific reasons and details in your response.
Some people prefer to own cars; others prefer to mainly use public transportation. Which do you agree with? Explain why.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to attract good students, a university should spend a lot of money funding social activities.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teaching is harder than it was in the past.
1. The rules that the whole society today expects young people to follow and obey are too strict.
2. Which of the following three factors contributes the most to an enjoyable vacation? a. good food b. good location c. good friends to travel with you.
3. Young people today are less dependent on their parents for making decisions than they were in the past.
4. When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, do you prefer to work on it right away so that you can work on it a little bit every day, or wait until you have a good idea about the presentation?
5. Children should spend most of their time studying or playing; they should not be required to help the family with household chores, such as cooking and cleaning.
6. In times of economic crisis, local governments often reduce the money they spend in some areas. In your opinion, if a local government is facing economic problems, which of the following areas should it spend less money on? a. libraries b.public transportation c. police.
7. People who cannot accept criticism from others will not be successful at working in a group.
8. It is important for government to provide money for beautiful things and not just for practical things. 9. People spend too much money on their pets even though there can be other good ways to spend money.
1.Extended Family:
British sociologists 在1950s时认为在Industrial Revolution之前,英国家庭模式都是extended family类型,即一家人好几代,还有一些其它一些亲戚都住在一起,大家相互照顾,联系紧密。工业革命之后,随着农村劳动力的进城,很多人和亲戚失去了联系。家庭的规模也越变越小,基本到了最小的two adults and their children的样子。People’s emotional needs was stratified within the small unit.第一段大概就是这样吧,是有题的,就那种事实判断的。有个词汇是entail。接下来好像讲了这些社会学家认为工业革命改变家庭模式的原因:什么工作改换频繁,什么工作时间长了之类的。 然后文章后面主要就是according to research after 1950-1960s(大概),人们认为,其实在工业革命之前,家庭的模式也不主要是extended family。而且也不是IR让extended family解体,事实上,由于the horrors of the industrialization, 人们还更多地聚集在一起,相互帮助。(这里有题)。再后面的内容我就记得有一段讲年轻人住得离父母家远近的问题:说很多人还是和父辈住得很近。有些人回家比较勤,一半多的人一个星期回家一次,三分之一的人一个月回家一次,离得近的人回家比远的人多。这段也有题。。(用数字例证) 还有说什么去看mom的例子。后来还有考这个。倒数第二段讲的是父母子女之间相互帮助的问题:彼此都还是提供给对方帮助的主要来源。
Commedia d’elle,好像是这样拼的吧,因为是意大利文。这个是意大利的一个drama的样式,虽然有时也有一些serious的戏,但主要是表演comedy。文章的结构非常清晰,而且就最主要讨论的问题就是因为这个戏的稿子上没有对话,只有一个plot的outline,演员表演主要靠improvising。接着就说几个使演员的improvison不是像它听起来那么困难的原因。我记得的有:
4.这种剧也不总是一些滑稽剧之类的,有时也有一些serious的东西,比如young people in love(有题) 最后结尾讲的是这种comedy company的一些事情。他们通常是以家族的名字命名,成员之间share profit as well as expense and lost。表演的场所也差别很大,豪华的简单的都有。(这里有题)
1. black diamond那篇注意它和带头的diamond的对比(有题,这里提到了 carbon 的含量以及一种unusual的成分,应该是同位素吧)这里提到了 nondiamand,这是一种来自太空的小钻石(记住是小的,和black是大的形成对比,考点),而且H的含量很高,这个说明不是地球上的。教授提到过一个例子,说大部分钻石都是从底下形成的,巴西和非洲产BLACK,但是从产钻石的地方去年挖出600吨钻石,没有一粒是BLACK DIAMOND,教授说为什么呢?(考题:教授提到这点干甚么:答案启发学生去思考),然后说明black diamond和普通的钻石产生的不同,于是提到各种假设:第一,就是来自太空,因为那种non钻石和他的化学成分相似,第二,就是在4billion 年前形成的(考题),地球状态和今天又巨大差异(教授认为这种观点最可信),然后又提到最新的观点,貌似还是和太空说有关,不过没考点,不听也罢。
2. 学生去参加了场debate,所以错了老师的课。老师表示可以理解。然后给她讲,说一哥们儿,又是画家又是雕塑家,给雕塑这门儿产业改革,一般雕塑都 是不动的,他给按上某个东西(词儿忘了)让雕塑动(有题),后来又用什么wind 还是什么发展他的雕塑特色,这里要考虑很多物理为题啥的。
3. 说物种灭绝,三个原因,climate change,hunting,fire。尤其是在人出现之 后,有个科学家去一个地儿调查,发现fire对环境影响很大,发现很多charcoal,然后很多过去的土壤或者植物就不再有了。举例两种鸟,一种对吃的没有很高要求,所以她存活了,另一种只吃一种食物,食物没了,它挂了。