Task 1
Which of the following three activities do you prefer to do with a group of people rather than alone:
Eating a meal
Listening to music or
Doing homework?
Eating a meal:分享快乐、“人多吃饭香” 、省钱
Listening to music:分享快乐、热闹非凡、交流心得体验
Doing homework:互相帮助、Brainstorm、互相敦促
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree that it is important for young people to learn skills like cooking, sewing and caring for others?
托福口语真题分析:这几乎就是TPO22的T2原题,should children be required to learn practical skills in school, such as cooking or personal finance, in addition to academic subjects? 这应该是完全没有难度的常规题型,考生即可以就其中一项进行解析(同意与否)或者对整个现象进行分析,说出benefits或者disadvantages均可。