T1 【地方】
Describe your favorite study place. Explain why you like to study in this place. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
T2 【生活方式】
Some people prefer to watch a sport game from the audience seat, others prefer to be in the sport field and compete with others. Which do you prefer to do?
T3.教授布置了 a special assignment, 是让学生们去 museum 看 ancient Egyptian sculpture, 然后写paper。 【好处】(1)make more sense than the textbook;(2)教授可以拿到团体票的折扣,半价。
⼥⽣的觉得这主意好, 原因(1)这样做,可以给学⽣提供⼀个近距离亲眼鉴赏课本⾥里讲到的雕塑。有助于帮助学生加深印象。(2)博物馆门票正好有discount,而且不用学生出钱,这个女生本来就打算去,就是因为门票太贵,所以没去成。
动物有时候会发出假的警报,赶走同类,减少 competition。举例,猴子在有豹子出现的时候,发出警报叫声,其他猴子听到会逃到树上去。但是有人发现一猴子找到了一堆水果,发出警报,其他猴子都逃走了。其实没有豹子出现,发现水果的猴子自己在独享水果。
T5.Problem: tomorrow,男生as a volunteer带小朋友去science museum看恐龙展,而且下午有个有关恐龙的speech;可是他答应朋友去take a shift in library,帮忙去卖书。
Solutions: 1.上午带小朋友去museum,下午赶回来卖书;但是这样小朋友就听不到speech了;2.让朋友再找一个人去卖书,带小朋友一天,虽然有些sad,但是他觉得can do that.
T1 【事件】
Describe an activity you tried and enjoyed recently. Explain why it was enjoyable to you. Include reasons and example to support your response.
T2 【生活方式】
Do you prefer watching news or reading news?
T3.【阅读】学校要把学校的一个 theater 租给一个 local group 当地剧团排练。(1)因为暑假theater 没有学生用,如果租给剧团排练,那么有 summer class 的学生就可以有娱乐活动了;(2)可以赚钱修设施
【听⼒力】学生同意 (1)bring entertainment to students, 能丰富学生课余生活。提到去年暑假在学校没有体育艺术活动,很⽆无聊;(2)the rental fees 能用来改善剧院的设施。seats are uncomfortable and old
开头的 feeding( 应为 commensal feeding) 两种物种的共生关系。其中一种能从这种关系取得好处,另一个不受影响。给例子是给了一种鸟和 cattle 的例子。这种鸟吃一种昆虫。这种鸟跟随 cattle。当 cattle 吃草的时候鸟就容易找到那个昆虫,cattle 不受影响。
T5.【学生问题】一个男生在读研(master’s degree),同时做助教,然后 professor 要出差去开会,会 Miss 掉一课, 希望这个男生能在这节课上代替自己做一个 lecture,但是只有 2 天够他准备。问题是他还有个很重要的关系到 final grade 的paper 没写 【解决方法】1. 教授 cancel 那节课,但是如果能做个 lecture 真的对自己来说是个 opportunity,不去有点可惜。2.备课,paper 很可能写不完,延期交 paper。
T6.Lecture: 心理学的文章。Drops off. 1. To plan too specifically, so eventually cannot achieve. 教授举了一个自己的例子: She had plan before the semester, how much time to read, how much time to exercise... However, she could not achieve it. 2. People always expect that the plan will be progress smoothly without interruption. 教授又用了一个自己的例子: A colleague asked her to research a paper, but the professor didn't know the topic well. She expected that she should have done it within a few hours, however, she had to ask for an extension.