Emory University | 埃默里大学申请经典真题与范文解析

2022-05-31 15:11:32

     Emory University 申请人,在写作时的相关经典真题解析

  1. Required essay

  What are the unique qualities of Emory University, and the specific school(s) to which you are applying (Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Oxford College, or both), that make you want to become part of Emory University? In what ways do you hope to take advantage of the qualities you have identified?


  【关键词】unique qualities of Emory University, school(s) you are applying, in what ways, take advantage of the qualities




  “Usually, there is no one discipline that speaks to all of your dreams.” I was very[Y1] impressed by this sentence I read on the Emory College of Arts and Sciences webpage. The high proportion of students graduating with double majors there once surprised me, but after learning of the flexibility of the curriculum, I now understand. I appreciate the idea that all knowledge is related. What’s better, students at Emory are allowed to change their minds, and often change academic tracks: it is common that one arrives at Emory to study medicine but ends up a history major. Therefore, it is possible for a flexible curriculum structure and related academic experiences to unlock a student’s full potential. How wise!

  I have been interested in languages and linguistics for quite a long time, a fact that can be traced back to my early elementary school years. At that time, we had a exchange student from Japan in our class, and my teacher seated him next to me. He couldn't speak Chinese at first, but because the boy was in a Chinese-speaking environment, he mastered our language very rapidly. Since then I have been eager to learn about how humans acquire language proficiencies. There are so many questions behind this issue and I’m terribly curious about the answers. I believe that Emory can provide opportunities to explore linguistics and related disciplines while I explore my academic potential and strive to achieve.(255 words)


  作者通过对Emory College of Arts and Sciences网站的仔细研究,发现了一个重要特质——Emory对学生的专业选择非常宽容,并且鼓励他们跨专业学习。Emory在此方面的概念是,全面的知识和经验更能激发学生的潜力。知识本来都是相通的,学习本身就是一个改变和成长的过程,只要学生充分地利用了在校几年的时间,他们不必一定要坚持自己入学之时的专业选择,他们可以在新选择的基础上取得新的成绩。在文中,作者简述了自己对语言学和语言的好感,并且告诉大家小时候同班的日本转学生激发了他/她对人类如何学会语言,以及这背后千千万万个问题的好奇,也引发了他/她对日语的兴趣,因此作者选择将来在相关领域学习。而Emory能够给作者提供选择不止一个感兴趣专业的机会,因此作者愿意申请Emory。

  2. Optional essay:

  (if you choose not to submit this essay, it will not affect your admission decision)

  What is your favorite ride at the amusement park? How does this reflect your approach to life?


  【关键词】favorite ride, reflect, approach to life


  【题目分析】这道自由发挥型的题问得比较温和。它先提到了游乐场,给人一点点天马行空的感觉之后,又在后面补充了关键的内容——How does this reflect your approach to life?这样就很明确地告诉了申请人,招生委员会不希望你只是单纯地写一次自己在游乐场玩某一项目的经历,而是需要申请人告诉招生委员会,通过这个游乐项目,自己体会到的事物对观念、生活态度有什么影响。举例来说,过山车这个项目让人克服了恐惧,由此联想到在生活中应该如何应对看起来很可怕的事物;旋转木马唤起了人们对真善美的向往之心等等。招生委员需要借此了解申请人的个性,因此要充分并且积极地展示给他们,把适合这所学校个性的一面释放出来。


  Drop Tower

  I am a fan of amusement parks. Of all the various rides, I love drop towers the most, as they satisfy my need for both excitement and inspiration.

  Once I went to an amusement park called Discovery Land. While I was wandering around thinking which ride to do next, I heard bursts of screams coming from the direction of the Drop Tower. I decided to try it right away, especially after seeing that both the people on board and those waiting in line were screaming; I knew the ride must be exciting. I couldn't wait!

  When our turn had finally come, my cousin chose to leave because he was afraid, but I got on board anyway. After being safely locked in, the platform was lifted vertically very slowly and we soon arrived at the top. The view was breathtaking, offering a panoramic view of the park. We stopped there for several seconds, and a sudden fear came over me because I didn't know when we would be dropped. Just after I calmed down and controlled my anxiety, we dropped into an immediate free-fall. I screamed because it was so thrilling!

  Drop towers remind me of our attitudes toward life. We often face frightening and unpredictable things. If we quit immediately, we will miss both the experiences that will nourish us and the delight of overcoming difficulties. I prefer being prepared and ready for challenges at all times. (262 words)


  作者选取的最喜爱的游乐项目是drop tower——跳楼机。首先总述跳楼机给其带来了刺激和启发,随后具体讲述了一次自己乘坐跳楼机的经历。虽然花在描述经历的笔墨并不算少,但更重要的是作者要通过描述告诉招生委员会的信息。听到尖叫声决定乘坐跳楼机,表明作者是一个乐于挑战的人;陪作者同去的cousin临阵放弃,但作者依然继续玩了这个项目,体现了作者的勇敢和对选择的坚持;描写跳楼机到达顶点后短暂停顿时的不安时,作者提到自己进行了自我冷静和心理准备,而不是惊慌失措,表明作者面对未知和恐惧并不畏惧;接下来虽然跳楼机弹上弹下,但作者乐在其中,顺利完成了整个项目。结尾一段,作者总结了跳楼机带来的人生思考,虽然有时候会面对无法预测和令人生畏的事情,但人们马上放弃的话,便不会获得可以催人成长的经历,也不会体会到克服困难的喜悦。作者最后点明自己更喜欢做随时准备应对挑战的人,表现了自己生活态度中果敢无畏的一面。
