T1(历史出现次数3次 20120324CN 20121014CN 20160716CN,注:CN代表大陆,NA代表北美,下同 )
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of letting students evaluate their professor at the end of the semester.
T2(历史出现次数1次 20160716CN)
Do you think it is a good thing to take plastic surgery?
W2(命中7月机经第7套W2 历史出现次数8次 20110415NA 20120422CN 20120817NA 20121130CN 20140412CN 20140913CN 20151024CN 20160716CN)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A university should focus more on its facilities, such as libraries. computers or laboratory. rather than on hiring famous teachers.
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