
2022-05-19 06:53:24


  Task1 – Many people move to new place for working or schooling. What are the disadvantages of moving to a new place and why? Include reasons and details to support your idea.


  One advantage that I can think of is that the new place probably doesn’t have those things that you’re used to, which can be really inconvenient. For example, in the place where I grew up I usually take the subway to school or any other places. While I seldom take the subway in the city where I work cuz there is no subway station near my work place and I am often trapped in the traffic jam when taking the bus.

  The other disadvantage is that moving itself is always a hassle. Whenever I moved from my hometown to the city where I work, I had to drag two massive suitcases there. But in the end of each year I have to move back to my hometown for family reunion. I had to drag the same two giant suitcases, not to mention the other presents I prepared for my younger sisters and brothers.

  Task2 – Agree or disagree that schools who encourage the development of students’ creativity and imagination are likely to have more successful students? Use specific examples and details to explain your idea.


  I believe people should be creative and imaginative in order to be successful. A lot of successful people didn’t just go to school and learn everything they are taught by rote. They needed to think out of the box. For example, Steve Jobs learned calligraphy in college along with many people, but it was him ho came up with the idea of applying the calligraphy knowledge he learned to computer design.

  The other reason is that school is the best place to encourage such kind of development, because students are young and their minds are quite active. I once read a research states that children range from 6-15 are the most creative so that the school should fully develop their innovation and imagination.


  生物老师发了一封email说让researcher代课,the woman is unhappy about it. (认为可以reschedule 并且提前通知,biology class 有很多material, 很难读完)


  术语是economy scale, 讲座中教授给了一个例子,一个公司要出关于cooking 的magazine, 一开始没有什么人读, 然后他们租了一个不错的办公室,花高价请了很多writer和editor. 就有了很多读者。杂志的生产变多但是成本不变。


  有个学生晚上要参加生日聚会,但是她第二天有比赛,场地比较远,第二天早上要很早出发,她想不去参加聚会。男生给了两个建议,一,在车上睡,但是不舒服。二,去party 一会儿然后提早离开。


  教授讲了动物的hibernantion, 举了两种动物,一是squirrel, 有biology clock, 夏天eat double 来save energy, 到later summer 的时候就go hibernantion. 二是时间,例子是pocket mouse, 只要天气冷没食物就冬眠。
