T1.If you were to do a project, which of the following would you choose? 1、 A recycle program
2、 Teaching children about vegetable growing
3、 3、Teaching children about healthy eating
T2.Some people believe that it is better for small children to grow up in a small town. Others, however, believe that it’s better for them to grow up in a big city. Which do you think is better?
T3.学生建议学校决定取消poetry reading 因为上课的学生太少了这样既可以节省钱 学生如果要读的话可以去图书馆或者自己听CD对话中女生说这样不好 第一很多学生不知道有reading这回事,所以学校可以加强海报网页等宣传第二 如果去图书馆的话,学生就缺少了live performance 不能表达感情之类的。
short-term memory,有两种方法这种短期记忆会消失decay和interference
教授每个举了一个例子:1. 出去玩儿一朋友告他另外一个朋友的电话,2小时之后 教授就给忘了,说明短期记忆随时间decay了;2. 他去买书,本来想好买什么了,但是碰一朋友,聊完了就忘了要买什么了
T5.【学生困难】:男生想弄个 announcement on newspaper 让更多的人来参加阅读演出 singing group. He did not submit the
announcement for upcoming event this week to the school's newspaper before the deadline. He is worrying about there will not
be many students come to see the performance. 1、To postpone 方案延期到下周,但 but it not easy to book the music【解决方
案】:女生建议:hall where the performance will take place。方案 2、To notice students by posters at different locations on campus
Since students are everywhere. 男生说考虑一下。
T6.Lecture: 2 cues to judge the qualities of products by consumers. 1, intrinsic cue, judging my physical characteristics of products, such as colour, texture, sizes, for example, food, if it has good taste means has good quality. 2. Extrinsic cue, judging not by physical characteristics. For example, juice, if the bottle of juice is a good looking glass bottle and has good label, consumers think it has good quality. So products area evaluated by external packs.
T1 【人物】
What is personal quality you admire is most?
There are three options, choose one and answer the question:
(1) intelligence (2) creativity (3)courage
(1)智力 (2)创造力 (3)勇气
T2 【学习】
Some students tend to study in a large class. Others prefer to study in small classes. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why?
T3.从今年开始,学校要求所有的 first year students 都 attend seminars in the students center. 第一个原因是能够帮助学生更快的适应 campus life. 第二原因是这种seminar 能帮助学生更好的socialization。听力部分:重点在男生赞同阅读的观点, 第一个理由是他当年刚上大学的时候,reading,结果把 reading 堆到 final exam 的前一天才做, 第二个理由是他认为这种 seminar 能帮助学生更好的找到有相似兴趣的同学, 比如他当年找到了和一样对音乐感兴趣的人。 in addition! 认识不相似兴趣的人也有益,比如工程 engineer 的
动物的利他主义:benefic other animals, but reduce the chance of survival。一种生活在加州的动物松鼠,它的主要敌人是 mountain lion.尤其是吃母的。当她发现有危险?时候会发生一种高 pitch 的 calling 来警告同伴赶紧逃跑,但是他的calling 会引来 lion,因此自己很可能被吃掉,她牺牲了自己逃走的机会,但是给同伴留了生路,尤其是 family member在附近的时候
T6.【讲课要点】:Wetland's two benefits for animals.
1). For nursery, sharks lay eggs in wetlands close to the ocean, because wetlands are shallow, there are not large predators, baby sharks can grow safely in the wetlands and survive in the ocean.
2). For rest and find food. Immigrating birds, for example, paper, during the long journey of immigration, stop the wetlands to find the food because they can find similar food like before
T3.【大学通知】:美国大学要求参加西班牙Spain留学交换项目的美国学生到西班牙以后住校live on campus。
Reading: 心理学词汇 impact of bias. 意思就是我们会错误地anticipate我们的emotional condition,比如说我们总会觉得我们悲伤或者开心的情绪会一直持续下去。这都是由于我们判断失误引起的。但是另外如果发生其他不同的事件会让人recovery.
Listening: 教授拿他女儿举了个例子。她女儿升学,特别想去一所学校,可惜没去成,就非常绝望沮丧觉得life is ruined。而且她觉得她会一直不高兴下去。但是她还是接受了另外那所学校,因为很多colorful activities,她慢慢走出了阴影,情绪也好多了。结论:我们的emotional condition 会被 other outside events给改变。
T6.two things ancient human learned to keep the fire burning. 第一,technical knowledge. 发现木头烧完后 fire die out.偶然明白木头是燃料,要 keep burning, 就要 add wood. 这是 Technical understanding。第二,social skills 如果大家同时睡觉,火就灭了,因此明白了合作的重要性,要轮流看火。