Which one of the following is the most important action for the government to take for the protection of natural environment?
(1)fund research on new energy sources such as solar and wind power;
(2)preserve natural places such as forests and natural wildlife species.
(3)pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution produced by companies and industries.
大家可以看到,这是一道“三选一”的题,考察话题是有关政府与环境保护的。最近ETS的出题套路,似乎是想为难学生的时候,就是使用这种“三选一+政府“”这样组合来考一下。从最近半年的考试趋势来看,“三选一”的题型占比与往年相比有所提升。不过与“Do you agree or disagree”(A/D题型)要相比,“三选一”在本质上也没有太多差别。“三选一”题目就是让我们从给出的选出的选项中选中“最好的”或者“最不好的”,并给出相关的分论点来支持你的立场。
In times of an economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its spending? 1. Arts 2. Scientific research 3. Parks and public gardens.
Some companies provide important products or service, but also damage environment. Some people believe that government should require more penalty, higher tax and larger fine of these companies, while others believe there are better ways. Which do you prefer?
Do you agree or disagree that the most important thing that government can do in improving health care is to clean the environment.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government should provide free access to the internet; the individual should access to the internet without paying anything.
Do you agree or disagree that with the following statement? It's more important for the government to spend money to build art museums and music performance centers than to build recreational facilities (such as swimming pool and playgrounds).
Is it a waste of money for government to fund money on the space travel or space explorations?
In order to attract more tourists, government should improve the safety by hiring more police or improve the appearance by improving the old buildings and streets.
Government should provide free Internet access to citizens as they do with other public services such as building road.
6.25这道考题,问的是“那种行为对于自然环境的保护最重要 ”,我们依旧是可以分情况讨论。
开头段确定立场,这个问题不能一概而论,要分情况讨论,即应该重视哪一项要视国家的具体情况而定;接下来,写一个主体段,我们可以先写发达国家:对于发达国家,环境污染主要来自于由于经济发展,各行业的公司与工厂带来的污染,因此对于发达国家而言最佳选择是“pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution produced by companies and industries. ”讨论完成了发达国家,我们再另起一段,写第二个主体论,用来论述落后国家的状况。在这一段,我们需要说明,尽管对于发家国家而言,通过法案来减少各行业带来的污染是一个很重要的举措,但是我们不能认为这一举措对于任何国家而言都是最重要的,尤其是当我们考虑到落后国家的时候。落后国家,在很长时间内,需要追求经济的发展,而限制公司的法规会对经济带来负面影响。发展新能源则能够在不影响经济状况的前提下,又改善环境问题,可以说是一举两得。最后一段可以下结论了:因此,对于不同国家,需要采取的措施是不同的,要具体国家的情况具体分析。