
2022-05-25 05:59:35


  Topic 议题what is the real functions of the shafts in the pyramid.

  Thesis 总论点 Three possible explanations Against


  分论点1 Reading:Shafts are used as ventilation.

  Listening: The shafts do not stick out and can not reach air.


  分论点2Reading: Shafts have religious meaning with their position correspond to the position of stars, which represent god in Egypt.

  Listening: The linkage between gods and stars believed by the Ancient Egyptians was raised later than the year when the pyramid was built.

  Sub-point 3

  分论点3Reading: Shafts are the passageways for the king’s spirit to travel to the afterlife.

  Listening: Many other pyramids used symbolic images on the wall to represent the passageway.

  Sample answer:

  The professor refutes the three explanation raised the reading of the usage of the shafts in the pyramid.

  First, the professor does not believe the idea mentioned in the reading that shafts are used as the ventilation for workers to breathe fresh air. She pointed out that though the upper shafts stick out to and can reach air, the lower ones can not and they just stop at the wall. Since the construction of the shafts must serve the same function, so the ventilation theory is not plausible.

  Second, the professor contradicts that the position of shafts has religious meaning. The linkage between gods and stars believed by the Ancient Egyptians was raised later than the year when the pyramid was built.

  Third, the professor admits that the Ancient Egyptians did believe the king’s spirit can travel to the afterlife, but the traveling passageway is not necessarily tangible. Many other pyramids used symbolic images on the wall to represent the passageway. They believed the king’s soul could pass through the wall without any using of opening.



  The most important thing the government should do to improve health care is to clean the environment.

  题型类别: 利弊类

  题材类别: 是否同意类

  相关旧题: 2009-06-05/2008-06-22

  写作思路: 这个“方式”是否是达到这个“目的”最好办法,对于这样的题,一般来讲我们的写法都是“否定”:这个方式可能有效、但是有弊端、且有更好的方式一二三。但是要是认为同意更好写,也是完全可以的。


  写作指导: Agree:

  1. 环境问题跟公众健康息息相关,很多疾病由恶化的环境导致。人类生存最基本的水和空气都被污染了,怎么还会健康呢。如工厂排放污水,很多人由因为雾霾导致呼吸疾病。只有环境治理好了,这一代和下一代才有未来。

  2. 严重的环境问题只有政府才有能力解决,个人比较难处理,所以这更是政府迫切要做的事情。环境问题不是地域性的,是全国性,甚至全球性的,只有政府才能集合人力和物力通过立法等等手段来净化环境。

  3. 诚然,政府也可以做其他的事情,如完善医疗体系,但是环境问题却是最迫切和紧急的。一旦环境破坏到一定程度,很难修复,对健康的影响最持久。 Disagree:




  词汇拓展: Deterioration 恶化

  Indispensible 不可或缺的

  Tackle with 处理

  Urgent 紧迫的

  Ameliorate 改善

  be closely bound up 息息相关

  haze / smog 雾霾

