
2022-06-08 09:38:55



  spurt = a sudden increase

  massively= extensively

  pragmatic= practical

  unprecedented= unlike anything in the past

  era= period

  fragment= pieces

  assess= evaluate

  suffice= be enough


  founding establishment




  题材划分: 天文学


  火星上有水。火星要是有水的话,在表面的话容易直接升华。温度大概-200.F-90.F所以水在表面根本存不住。所以可能在subsurface。在火星的南极也发现大量的ice痕迹,在太阳 慢慢cool down的过程中,这些水也会融化, 涌出来。探测器的发现,主要有两个,一个类似于地球有水后形成的sediment;另一个发现了水道。以上两个发现,配合着第三个发现,一起证明了火星有水,在past years (except 题目)有水,还有温度,还有能量,compelling (词汇题)argue了生命也能 存在。关于化石一点叙述。关于化石进一步比较地球,地球上有化石,因为在billions年之后,慢慢才演变出来。火星上可能并没有足够 的时间来进行化石的演变。最后一段说火星是 见证过去的candidate,有题,问这句子什么 意思,火星有生命存在的很多条件,地球是靠 fossil证明有生命的,有题,问说地球是为了 说明什么。


  TPO-8 Running Water on Mars

  Tpo25 The surface of Mars


  Liquid water cannot exist on the surface of Mars due to low atmospheric pressure, which is about 100 times thinner than Earth's, except at the lowest elevations for short periods. The two polar ice caps appear to be made largely of water. The volume of water ice in the south polar ice cap, if melted, would be sufficient to cover the entire planetary surface to a depth of 11 meters . A permafrost mantle stretches from the pole to latitudes of about 60°.

  Photomicrograph by Opportunity showing a gray hematite concretion, nicknamed "blueberries", indicative of the past presence of liquid water

  Large quantities of water ice are thought to be trapped within the thick cryosphere of Mars. Radar data from Mars Express and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show large quantities of water ice both at the poles (July 2005) and at middle latitudes (November 2008) The Phoenix lander directly sampled water ice in shallow Martian soil on July 31, 2008.

  Landforms visible on Mars strongly suggest that liquid water has existed on the planet's surface. Huge linear swathes of scoured ground, known as outflow channels, cut across the surface in around 25 places. These are thought to record erosion which occurred during the catastrophic release of water from subsurface aquifers, though some of these structures have also been hypothesized to result from the action of glaciers or lava. One of the larger examples, Ma'adim Vallis is 700 km (430 mi) long and much bigger than the Grand Canyon with a width of 20 km (12 mi) and a depth of 2 km (1.2 mi) in some places. It is thought to have been carved by flowing water early in Mars's history. The youngest of these channels are thought to have formed as recently as only a few million years ago. Elsewhere, particularly on the oldest areas of the Martian surface, finer-scale, dendritic networks of valleys are spread across significant proportions of the landscape. Features of these valleys and their distribution strongly imply that they were carved by runoff resulting from rain or snow fall in early Mars history. Subsurface water flow and groundwater sapping may play important subsidiary roles in some networks, but precipitation was probably the root cause of the incision in almost all cases.


  题材划分: 经济发展史


  二战后的经济发展。二战后经济发展堪称奇迹,西德占4.3%,日本占7.2%,意大利还有中欧都发展蛮快的。就算是美国、加拿大等受战争影响较小的国家,都能够发展的超过之前任意的时候。。Capital到位了,1951年就停了,但是经济也停止发展了一段。为什么呢?因为钱只是用来发展设备和科技了,人力跟不上(有 题,skilled workers是非常重要的)。政府的支持,私有化受到了支持。政府维持整个经济 的稳定性,并维持最小的幵支,鼓励,只有1/4-1/5是国有经济,尽管这些国有经济体也 是快速发展的,但是相比较私有经济发展差着 些。政府间也有合作的。尽管有失败,但是相 比较战前,进不了很多(句子插入题)再次强调人力资本的重要性。欧洲建立了很多大学和研究所,这些研究所们提供了大量的熟练工人可以直接操作高科技设备。之前学者们一直有错误认识,那就是人力没啥用,结果在somewhere else就不是这样了。


  TPO-10 Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth


  After the chaos of two World Wars and the devastating Great Depression, policymakers searched for new ways of controlling the course of the economy. This was explored and discussed by Friedrich August von Hayek (1899–1992) and Milton Friedman (1912–2006) who pleaded for a global free trade and are supposed to be the fathers of the so-called neoliberalism. However, the prevailing view was that held by John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946), who argued for a stronger control of the markets by the state. The theory that the state can alleviate economic problems and instigate economic growth through state manipulation of aggregate demand is called Keynesianism in his honor. In the late 1950s the economic growth in America and Europe—often called Wirtschaftswunder (ger: economic miracle) —brought up a new form of economy: mass consumption economy. In 1958 John Kenneth Galbraith (1908–2006) was the first to speak of an affluent society. In most of the countries the economic system is called a social market economy.


  题材划分: 历史考古

  主要内容: 罗马的影响

  罗马是征服者,但是其实罗马在文化、。罗马pattern 的影响,就算是在帝国的晚期,在北爰尔兰以及北非,,Latin语言一直被学习。。举例罗马建筑物。罗马语言先被学习,但是并不是当地人为了商业活动,如卖猪给罗马兵,而是为了学习他们的先进制度。罗马武力把新的地区纳入帝国后,会 派一些人去指导当地,以起模范的作用。但是,local自己也会各种模仿。在某地,现属德国,当地人自己建立了 building-of roamstyle 可以从特有的達筑物装饰品来判断的。最后这些建筑和罗马本土的建筑几乎没有差别。但是建筑这些东西并不是为了装样子,而是真的要搞政洎、宗教、集会活动。罗马的公民意识也被学习了。罗马师从希腊,各种民主、公民的意识在罗马帝国新占区被传播。Citizen的意识 被当地认可。在西班牙发现了law被雕刻在某种材质的东西上,18pages详细描述了怎么选举,什么样的人能被选,要履行什么职责。只有选举人数是vary的,因为各个地区人民数量不一样。


  TPO-19 The Roman Army's Impact on Britain
