
2022-05-28 19:37:12



  Sample answer:

  The passage mainly discusses the reasons why it makes no sense for Canadian government to authorize Inuktitut language as the official one in 2 states. However, the lecturer refutes that all that reading discussed are unconvincing. There are quite many young people in Canada still speak Inuktitut.

  Firstly, in the reading passage, a survey conducted by Canada government shows that approximately 25% young men who are under 16 years old do not speak Inuktitut any more. On the contrary, the professor says that the survey is not accurate at all. Experts have revealed, through a face-to-face study, that there are many young people still speaking Inuktitut actually.

  Secondly, the professor opposes reading’s idea that English is widely accepted in current workplace for international business, even as to the field of fishing. He states that although English is used in many international businesses, quite a lot local fishers still use Inuktitut. As a result, parents would like to require their children to learn both.

  Finally, the professor disapproves the reading’s idea that Inuktitut is no longer used in TV and media, many of which have speak English and French instead. Two radio station in Inuktitut have been shut down. The professor points out that it is true that Inuktitut has been less used in TV programs, but today, most young people speak Inuktitut on Internet.



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One quality that a successful leader must have is to make decisions quickly; when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as inefficient to the people he leads.




  写作指导: Disagree:

  首先,商人面对商机(commercial opportunities)应该冷静分析(analyze calmly)之后再做决定。因为商机往往都会伴随着巨大的危机(a great crisis usually follows after opportunities),对于一个企业来说,老板不仅仅要考虑眼前的利益(immediate interest),更要为整个公司以及公司的员工考虑,因此必须要在做好充分的准备和详细的计划之后再去行动。假设一个公司想要开拓(exploit)新的市场,那么公司必须要首先确定产品在新市场的成本以及定价(fix a price),还有当地人的购买力(purchasing power)和购买欲望(desire to purchase),以及当地人对于产品的偏好(preference)。当这些准备工作做好以后才能决定是否行动。

  其次,政治家在面对大的事件的时候不要匆忙(in such a hasty)做决定。政治家在面对国际性大事件(memorabilia)的时候一定要保持耐心,因为任何一项决策的制定(formulation)都必须要去考虑这项决策对于其他国家和本国公民产生的影响。例如,美国总统奥巴最近通过的同意同性恋合法化(legalize homosexuality)的决策也并非一蹴而就的(built in one day)。早在很久之前,美国就已经有很多州在合法化这项决策,并且经过多年的探索,最终才被通过(pass through)。



