
2022-05-26 01:13:59


  Sample answer:

  I think the university should reward the students who participate in volunteer works and encourage more students to take part in those meaningful activities. For starters, those volunteer works like tutoring, taking care of seniors and cleaning the gardens benefit the society a lot. The volunteers help address community needs and make the community a better place to live in. What’s more, some of the volunteer works are conducted in such a harsh environment that the students should be given some reward as an encouragement. For example, one memorable volunteer work that I did was to volunteer as a teacher in a mountainous region in the northwest of China. It is definitely a poverty stricken region. I can still remember that we drank muddy water from right from the faucet, to say nothing about the food we ate.

  Task2 – Some schools open computer course, some open new language course. Which one is more useful for student?

  Sample answer:

  In my opinion, the computer course would benefit students more. No one could deny that most students in the modern society rely on computer a lot to deal with academic tasks or enjoy recreations. For me, I write most of the paper on the computer and hand them in online directly, which saves me a lot of time because I don’t need to bother to print them out. I check the campus email at least twice a day to follow up the current affairs without stepping out. By attending the computer courses, we are able to take more advantages of the computer. For me, I am not so familiar with some functions about the office software when using for academic use. I hope these classed can simplify and facilitate our use of computers.


  学校政策:award the dormitory that use the least electricity, 可以raise students’ awareness, reduce the use of electricity, 还免费提供pizza, it’s cool。

  听力赞同,统一学生可以通过贴在门上的notes提醒自己turn off the light, 这个方法很有用。

  尽管一些人不会对这个比赛太serious,也不是所有人involve 但是冲着free delicious 的吃的也会参加。


  术语是:restraint bias means people will have a tendency to overestimate their ability to resist temptation

  听力:教授用自己女儿的例子。女儿很喜欢购物,只要有一点钱就买新衣服,去年她要参加spanish class 组织的a trip to Mexico. 所以她把part time job 赚的钱都存下来。一开始很顺利,but one day, her friend invited her to go shopping, 一开始她很自信说只看不买,但是结果把钱花光了。


  女生要finish a paper,但下周就要从campus 搬出去。

  1. 再寝室住一周然后搬到父母那里。可是父母家离学校远就不能用学校的library, 而且sister 也在父母家就会disrupt, 因为一直会talk.

  2. 租一个离学校近的apartment, 女孩选择了一个离学校只有几个block而且很安静,但有点贵。


  Geology class

  讲了two ways animals use UV light

  1. navigation, 因为什么pattern。举了pigeon 的例子,说它不会迷路什么的

  2. find food. 因为会有一个什么东西出现在花的opening area especially those hidden flower. 举了honey bee 的例子, 说它们要找的nectar 都在hidden area 然后就可以靠uv light 找到。

