
2022-05-31 02:12:29



  T1 It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its members.Which type of contribution do you think is most valued by your society :that of primary school teachers,artists or nurses?Why?

  T2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching sports programs on television is not a good use of time. Please give your opinion and explanation using specific examples and details.

  T3 Reading: 一封来自professor给学生每人都发的一封邮件,关于下学期的教学策略。内容是:首先,要求每个人在最后完成assignments之后,会被教授叫到办公室进行one-on-one talk,谈一下这个学生的成绩,解释清为何给这个成绩;另外,允许学生对他问他 questions from classwork,包括当时在课堂上没有机会问老师的问题。

  Listening: 男的非常赞同。第一,学生们经常碰到最后考试成绩低于自己期望值的情况,但是又很尴尬不能去问老师到底为何这么低,这样教授提供一个解释,就让他们释然了;第二,能够问老师更多问题当然是很好的,当时课堂基本就是听教授的lecture,没什么机会提问,这又是机会了。

  T4 讲primary memory(好像是这两个词,不确定)。阅读里给了定义,就是说,人们通常根据第一映像来判断事务,很少根据第一映像以后了解到的东西。听力里,教授给了两个例子。第一个是他自己。以前帮教授作assistant的时候,第一次给出了了比较好的建议。教授从此以后就一直对他评价很高,即使他犯了一些大家都会犯的小错,教授仍然认为他是一个 star。第二个例子,是另一个和他一起的assistant。第一次犯了小错,造成了损失,虽然后来大家挽救回来了,但是教授从此以后都认为他是一个unreliable and incompetent的人。即使他很努力、犯的是和说话人一样的人们常犯的小错,还是被教授认为 unreliable。

  T5 这个人的问题是,他从室友那里借来的电脑坏了,而他正写着他的历史文件,他的论文明天就要到期了。

  The man's problem is that the computer he borrowed from his roommate broke while he was writing up his history paper, and his paper is due tomorrow. There are two possible solutions. The first one is ask his roommate to fix it up. And the second solution is to switch to a different computer to finish his paper. If I were in his shoes, I would go for the second solution because the man did say in the conversation that he would still be able to remember what he wrote in the paper even if it's a different computer. I personally don't recommend the other solution because his roommate goes to bed pretty early and there's no reason to mess up with his routine. He might be upset with the man and that could jeopardize their relationship.

  T6 两种方法防护beach erosion

  1. 造建筑barrier,用混凝土等材料 build construct in shallow water or near shore, 这种construct 减轻 force of the wave, decrease amount of water that reach the beach,降低被浪卷走的沙的数量浪就小了

  2. 二是用新的沙子代替冲走的,比如建个泵把海里沙子抽上来,这样以后就会更多冲走新的,旧的就留下来了


  W1 长颈恐龙的脖子。

  关于长颈恐龙(Sauropods) 的脖子一般是竖直的还是横的

  阅读:恐龙的脖子一般是横着horizontal 的,因为








  W2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: We can know more about a person from the types of friends he/she has.

