T1 Which of the following activities would you do with friends rather than alone? Taking a walk, watching a movie or traveling.
T2 Do you think learning events take place in the past or present in more important? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
T3 学校为了增加attendance做出新规定,missing four course session的将会得到lower grade,另外,因为这个规定是campus-wide,所以大家都应该清楚这个课的要求是什么了;并与学习成绩挂钩的。【原因】1、防止学生逃课,需要严加控制;2、各个课程的出勤政策不同导致混乱,通过这种方法进行统一。
女生说没意思,反正我最多只逃2到3次。 男生反对这个政策。1、有的教授要求比这个更严格,这规定不能提高attendance;2、所有教授在第一节课时都会把自己的政策放在课程介绍里告诉选课的学生,因此学生都知道自己选的课的要求,不会造成混乱。
T4 同一物种的动物争夺领地和食物,但他们不互相伤害。
Definition:Agonostic behavior,animals of same species compete for territory or food,but they don't hurt each other。
Example:Two rattlesnakes both spotted food in a hotel,and they started fighting to take control of each other,but they wouldn't bite each other,and the winner would let the loser go。
T5 【学生困难】:男生要在寒假帮历史教授写新书,不能回家。但他同时是篮球队员,需要每天去gym锻炼,不过学校的gym冬天不开门。 【解决方案】:1. 去town里面的gym。有one-month-membership, 刚好可以cover整个寒假,里面有他需要的所有器材,但是75一个月太贵了。
T6 讲的是种crops 之前先plow 一下,好处:1)不会使营养流失(雨水冲刷) 2)除杂草,防止竞争2 ways that plowing help crops to get more nutrition.
1. bring the nutrition to the surface. eg:corn, when it rains, the water brings the nutrition down , by plowing it can bring it from bottom to the surface.
2.prevent other plants to absorb the nutrition.eg:corn, weeds, by plowing it can dirt the weeds and the weeds die.
W1 月球瞬变现象(TLP)
(1)我们可以观察TPL 2特别的地方
W2 In times of economic crisis, in which field do you think the government can cut financial support? 1 Education 2. Health care 3 Unemployment.