
2022-05-30 22:02:53



  Sample answer:

  The writer and the speaker have a debate on the death of crew in Ka ship. The writer claims that the canned food is the factor that contributes to the lead poisoning and the death of crew, which is opposed by the following lecture.

  First, the writer claims that the lead that was carefully stilled to the can would not contact the food. While the speaker views this issue from an opposite angle, according to him/her, company has limited time to finish this work. Workers are under time pressure and it is reasonable that they are careless and apply lead to the cans in a hurry way.

  Secondly, the passage states that no other evidence of death of the crew was found in other ship. However, the speaker casts doubt on this opinion by saying that sailors may be affected but they are not reported. First, it is difficult to judge whether sailors are affected by lead without careful tests. Second, the symptoms of lead poisoning are common, such as feeling tired or headache and they can be easily overlooked.

  Last, the writer argues that Water purification system may be the source of poisoning. By contrast, in accordance with the speaker, this claim does not hold water. The water in the purification system is used for ship engineering since the salt water cannot be used. The water for cooking and drinking comes from a different way.



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  Government should provide free access to the internet; the individual should access to the internet without paying anything.



  今天的独立写作和综合写作都中了我们新东方内部研究的小范围机经,所以同学们平时可以多关注一下机经,考前进行思路的梳理和语料的准备,这样考试的时候才能更加锦上添花。By the way,今天的考试题目和我们今年上半年的一道题目也比较相似, Providing the Internet access is as important as other services, like building roads, so the government should provide it at no cost. (2015年4月13日大陆考题) 都是考察Internet access的话题, 所以关注老题也是十分的重要。




  政府可以获得市民的支持。现在竞争日益激烈,物价上涨飞快,导致人们经济压力越来越大。政府对于因特网的投资付费(fund/invest/ in allocate money to),可以一定程度上减轻人们的压力,替人们省去一大笔开销(expenditure)。政府的这个政策也会赢得人民的好感。将来颁布各类其他政策的时候,人们也会更加配合,更愿意执行。从长远来看,也有助于社会的稳定。

  可以促进经济发展,提升人们的生活质量(boost life quality)。 一方面,现在很多购物会在网上操作,所以政府付费一定程度上便利(facilitate)人们的生活。 另一方面,对于很多边远地区(remote area)的人,不能承担网费,政府的这个措施可以带动落后地区(less developed)的经济发展。比如: 某个偏远山区的人都有很好地手艺(craftsmanship), 但是由于销售渠道(distribution channel)的限制,很多产品不能销售到市区。 但是随着政府不断加强这个村的网络建设,那边的很多农民都开设了网店(online shop)。他们的手工艺品都能够在网上流传开来,销路也就更加广了。

  诚然, 的确有一部分人会认为,网络费用的支出,会增加政府的负担,可能会给政府增加很多财政压力(impose financial burden on)。而且政府有其他需要投资的地方,比如交通,环境等。 但是我们的目光不能太短浅,从长期发展来看,这个政策的利远大于(outweigh)弊。

