T1、阅读材料是学校通知下学期将开设interview skill workshop,会请外面的职业人士来学校模拟interview,帮学生更好的准备以后找工作。对话里两个人都很喜欢这个program,因为1,附近的其他学校都没有开设这个program,所以他们会变得competitive;2,除了能教你skill,meeting and chatting with这些不同行业的人能够build up connections。
T2、backward framing,在被一些广告影响后,人们可能会改变自己所做的决定。教授例子,研究小组让受试者喝咖啡,咖啡处理过不好喝,受试者喝的时候回访TV program,讲的是一些人喝超好喝的咖啡,大家都很幸福。之后要求受试者写下体会,对咖啡的评价都是positive和delicious的。 解题要点 Term:Backward Framing Definition:Consumer’s opinion about a product is altered after-the-fact by advertisement. (The advertisement could exert positive effect on consumers.) Lecture: Volunteers were asked to taste a gourmet coffee. But the researchers had added some salt and vinegar into it so they were certain that the coffee wouldn’t taste good. After that, they showed these volunteers some advertisement of this coffee, in which people were enjoying the coffee and having a good time. At last, when asked how they would describe the coffee, people said it was “delicious” and they “liked it”.
T3、男生的键盘被雨水泡了,下周乐队演出,没得用。方法一,买旧的,音质不好,方法二,用旅游的钱买新的,但是和朋友说好去旅游,不想失信。The man’s electrical keyboard was destroyed in a storm but he needed it for a concert performance next week. He could either buy a used keyboard which doesn’t cost much, or he could buy a new one using the money has been saving for his summer trip
T4、动物seasonal机制。1:保证存活,兔子warm season换短毛,相对的换长毛,保证其不冷不热地生存下去。2:防止捕食者,S动物冬天换白毛,捕食者不容易发现他,因此他可以生存。 背景知识 Main Idea: Two ways that animal molting helps them to survive. Way 1: Animals could change into the coat that is suitable to the weather.
Eg. Mountain hares (Europe) have thin and short coat in summer when the weather is warm, and they change the lighter coat into their winter coat, with the hairs twice as long and much thicker to prevent from the coldness. Way 2: Animals can change the color of their coat to protect themselves from predators. Eg: North America weasels have brown coat for the summer season. But when winter comes, when there is usually snow on the ground, they molt and change into white color, which helps them to blend in with the environment to help themselves from being identified.