T1.Our society is now facing very serious environment problems. Choose one approach that you believe to be useful to save our planet.
T2.When you have questions, do you prefer to ask adviser for help or search it through internet or library? Why?
T3.Reading:学校有一个new housing policy change,要求所有的本科生都住在学校里面
T4.Reading:定义sample error happened when the smaller part of the large group cannot represent the situation of the large group。因为在做统计的时候,total group is too big,所以研究者必须抽取样本来代表整体,但错误的抽样会导致错误的结论。
Listening:教授举例,他有个朋友要研究某个湖里鱼的数量,当然他不可能把所有的鱼都抓起来,所以他用了抽样法。于是用net在lake里面网起一定数量的鱼。本来认为网起来的会有大鱼、中鱼、小鱼,却surprised 发现没有网到Small size的鱼,然后判断湖里面没有小鱼。后来发现其实湖里面是有小鱼的,只是网眼大于1cm,所以网不到小鱼,因此网里面没有不代表湖里面没有这就是sample error,也就是没这些样本无法代表全体。
T6.Lecture: Two basic sculpture making approach: subtractive and additive. Subtractive approach removes things from the raw material, for example: wood and stone. It allows no experiment and mistake. If you made a head and don’t satisfied with the nose you cannot change. Addictive approach: make sculpture by adding things together. E.g. add clay to make sculpture, Advantage allow you to change and make experiment. And you can make mistake. If you made a head and don’t satisfied with the nose you can change. You can remove the previous one and add a new until you satisfied.