
2022-05-21 08:22:48




  Then the promised rewards began rolling up the road into the mountains. Lorries big as houses transported goods from the cities and fouled the air with their exhaust. Service stations and eating places sprouted along the routes to provide for the machines and their men. And developers began to build luxury hotels.

  That year, when Maneck came home for the holidays, he was puzzled (and later alarmed) to discover his father perpetually irritable. They found it impossible to get through the day without Fine Balance 249 quarrelling, breaking into argument even in the presence of customers.





  "We, Too, Sing 'America'"

  by Duke Ellington

  First of all, I should like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Rev. Karl Downs for the opportunity to appear on this very fine program and express myself in a manner not often at my disposal. Music is my business, my profession and my life …but, even though it means so much to me, I often feel that I’d like to have my say, on some of the burning issues confronting us, in another language … in words of mouth.



  历史篇章主旨题,考察作者对于黑人这个种族在美国的地位和其尚未被完全承认的巨大贡献,细节题包括篇初提及有人觉得如今talk太多thinking太少作者对此的态度,作者对于美国普通人民的powerful symphony内容的判断,作者把美国的黑人与殖民地pilgrim相比的意义,作者篇末把美国黑人的存在比作一记shot的含义。


  Effects of Marine Reserves on Adjacent Fisheries

  Marine reserves, areas that are closed to all fishing, have been attracting much attention for their dual potential as conservation and fishery management tools (1–5). A synthesis of more than 100 studies of reserves worldwide shows that protection from fishing leads to rapid increases in biomass, abundance, and average size of exploited organisms and to increased species diversity (6). Such effects are of great interest to fishery managers, because rebuilding exploited populations in reserves offers prospects of fishery enhancement (3,7).


  文章大意:文章讲述的是marine reserve对鱼类和渔业的有利影响。marine reserve会影响鱼类的大小,数量,和物种上的多样性。文章通过追踪marine reserve后续影响的研究,表明其的好处。在最后一段,作者通过对渔民的调查采访,证明渔业确实从marine reserve中受益。


  A study by a team of British researchers published yesterday in the journal PLOS ONE found a strong correlation between what they call a book’s “literary misery index” (the frequency of words such as “anger,” disgust,” “fear,” and “sadness”) and the economic misery index (a measure of unemployement and inflation) of either the U.S. or Britain for the ten years that preceded its publication.


  文章大意: 文章讲述的是文学家的作品里的一些悲观消极词汇会和经济形势有关系。一般经济形势不好,在10年后会反应到文学家的作品上。作者先谈论具体的现象,再讨论为何会有10年的延迟。作者给出两个可能原因:第一,写出和出版需要时间。第二,作家的作品会被作者童年时候的经历所影响。为了佐证经济形势对作家作品的影响,研究人员也分析了德国文学家的作品,发现了相同的规律。最后一段让步论述,先说明研究有局限性,再说明实验结果的重要意义。


  第一篇是moth有sensor感受CO2,一种female moth会探测新陈代谢高的植物;另一种moth会寻找nectar,第二篇在此基础上还研究一类花散发的味道。

  P1: “Floral CO2 emission may indicate food abundance to nectar-feeding moths”


  As part of a study of the roles of the sensory subsystem devoted to CO2 in the nectar-feeding moth Manduca sexta, we investigated CO2 release and nectar secretion by flowers of Datura wrightii, a preferred hostplant of Manduca. Datura flowers open at dusk and wilt by the following noon. During the first hours after dusk, when Manduca feeds, the flowers produce considerable amounts of nectar and emit levels of CO2 that should be detectable by moths nearby. By midnight, however, both nectar secretion and CO2 release decrease significantly. Because nectar production requires high metabolic activity, high floral CO2 emission may indicate food abundance to the moths. We suggest that hovering moths could use the florally emitted CO2 to help them assess the nectar content before attempting to feed in order to improve their foraging efficiency.

  P2: “better communication from chemistry”



