城市更有创新能力。作者通过详细详细介绍了两位经济学家的论文,指出城市更具有创新能力是因为在城市更能从其他的模式上进行“舶来”。再详细说,在新产品的创造上主要靠original idea,但是在新模式的创造上主要是从其他的人那里借想法。全文的逻辑非常的清晰,行文结构也非常的典型,因此难度不大。考察了词汇题sheer。
Eric Jaffe的cities are innovative because they contain more ideas to steal.
We all know that cities are great engines of innovation. One reason that's the case, as Emily Badger recently pointed out, is that cities grow "superlinearly": interpersonal connections grow at an greater rate than sheer population, and with that super proximity comes a super exchange of ideas. The secrets of industry, as economist Alfred Marshall once wrote, are truly "in the air."