双篇阅读。这篇科学双篇阅读,让大家松了一口气。因为亚太和北美此前都是建国纲要的双篇阅读。两篇文章的观点不同。第一篇文章认为氧含量的上升帮助了cambrian explosion中carnivore的进化,但第一篇文章结尾,Butterfield不同意这个观点。第二篇文章对这个观点进行了驳斥,因为氧含量很充足,所以不是氧气导致了进化。同时文章最后还对这个研究的implication进行了阐述。
pasage1 是Erin Wayman 的Oxygen boost aided carnivore evolution in Cambrian Explosion,Passage 2 是Tamarra Kemsley的Discovery Challenges Theory Behind Reason for Cambrian Explosion。
Passage 1
Paleobiologist Nicholas Butterfield of the University of Cambridge sees the data differently. He thinks the rise of oxygen was actually an effect of the animals on the environment. He contends that shallow marine areas, where early animals most likely lived, were probably well oxygenated and therefore a lack of the gas did not stifle their evolution. It just took a while for a burst of complex animals to arise from simpler ones, he says. “It takes a whole lot of tinkering and experimenting and false starts until you trip over something that works.”
Passage 2
Ample oxygen saturated Earth's atmosphere prior to the sudden eruption in the development of life during the Cambrian explosion some 542 million years ago, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Led by an international team of researchers, the report reveals that the oxygen content was roughly the same 2.1 billion years ago as 500 million years ago. The finding challenges a long-held theory that the Cambrian explosion was in part triggered by a sudden uptick in the element required by all higher organisms.