2、比较结构平行。A的to walk和taking不平行。C的 being导致句子碎片。D的搭配错误,应是be likely to do,排掉D。E比较结构错误,应是more…than…,而非more…as…。选B。
2015年5月2日SAT写作真题预测作文题目:Is it wrong for trying to teach values and characters in the classroom?
明确中题目三个信息:一,“to teach values and characters”是需要考生根据个人生活进行具体阐释;二,按照题目要求“Is it wrong”来进行判定的。三,题目本身有一个范围的限定是“in classroom”.
由于题目限定,考生对于例子选择比较纠结,这道题更接近于学生校园生活,可以从学校或者老师是否做了“to teach values and characters”这件事入手:老师有在学校对于学生价值体系进行干预产生正面或者负面结果,或者,老师并没有做这件事,但是根据目前现状是否需要做。另外论证和例子重要引申到:what would be the outcome if this position were adopted or enacted; who would benefit/not benefit and why.
2015年5月2日SAT写作真题预测题目:Should young people be required to do community service for one or more years of their lives?
这道题中的“community service”在过去的真题中并没有直接对应,但是和过去关于“集体-个人”和“社会责任感”是基本一致的。2011年11月北美考过Should individuals take responsibility for issues and problems that do not affect them directly?
If an object travels at five feet per second, how many feet does it travel in one hour?
A. 30 B. 300 C. 720
D. 1800 E. 18000
解析:Correct Answer: E
If an object travels at 5 feet per second it covers 5x60 feet in one minute, and 5x60x60 feet in one hour. Answer = 18000 (E)
In a class of 78 students 41 are taking French, 22 are taking German and 9 students are taking both French and German. How many students are not enrolled in either course?
A. 6 B. 15 C. 24
D. 33 E. 54
Correct Answer: C
You could solve this by drawing a Venn diagram. A simpler way is to realize that you can subtract the number of students taking both languages from the numbers taking French to find the number taking only French. Likewise find those taking only German. Then we have:Total = only French + only German + both + neither
78 = (41-9) + (22-9) + 9 + neither.
Not enrolled students = 24
点击下载 2015年5月2日
1. 对比类文章:
第二组文章,是关于电视转播法庭审判的利弊问题。第一篇完全反对,认为cameras lens cap should be putback.后一篇观点比较积极,认为电视和视频如同其他的媒体一样都对庭审有积极的作用,但要注意范围,有的可,有的不可。
2. 长篇小说:
共有两篇:第一篇是一个非洲女作家关于自已家乡回忆小说的节选。第二篇主要描写了主人公在sawmill痛苦的牢骚和心理活动,表达了他对老板让其dust the mill的强烈不满情绪。
3. 两篇长科普说明文:
第一篇:一个著名的美国自画像作家,之前涉及decorative painting.,而且画了很多遍。
第二篇:通过在格陵兰岛上发现的恐龙footprint fossils 的3D分析来推测和研究恐龙的行为。