
2022-05-31 16:05:56



  1. The aroma of the freshly baked bread was so ------ that we were tempted to buy three loaves.

  A. enticing

  B. unruly

  C. convenient

  D. fabricated

  E. generic


  so/such A that/as to B 的结构中A与B为同义关系或感情态度一致,所以从tempted“(被)吸引,诱惑”,可看出空格为对aroma的正向评价,因此答案为A选项 enticing “吸引人的”。


  吸引,使…着迷:allure, appeal, spellbind, captivate, enchant, bewilder, entrance, enthrall


  1.Is it a disadvantage to pay attention to details?

  2.Is it more valuable for people to fit in than to be unique and different?

  3.Should we limit our use of the term "courage" to acts in which people risk their own well-being for the sake of others or to uphold a value?

  4.Should people who are more fortunate than others have more of a moral obligation to help those who are less fortunate?

  5.Is our ability to change ourselves unlimited, or are there limits on our ability to make important changes in our lives?

  6.Do we really benefit from every event or experience in some way?

  2015年10月3日北美SAT机经+真题2. 填空部分

  (1) pastime (某学科对于某人来说超出了业余爱好的范畴,她做某个研究的事实证明这个学科对她来说绝不只是消遣)

  (2) plumage (孔雀的羽毛) 干扰选项canopy

  (3) monolithic (240英尺长的斯芬克斯像是用一整块limestone石灰岩雕刻出来的)

  (4) fuse (对应体感amalgam)

  (5) luminescent

  (6) insubordinate (一个女孩从actively insubordinate 转变成grudging compliance)

  其它主考词汇还有: unravel / prodigious / joviality / monolithic / jaded /

