SAT 2016考题10月份真题分析

2022-05-21 19:48:39

  下面给同学们带来的内容就是小编整理的SAT 2016考题10月份真题分析,新SAT考试的改革实施之后,肯定有不少同学们对于这个题目有一定认识了,所以通过对真题的分析可以加深印象。下面就来分析一下吧!

  1 10月1日SAT亚太阅读考察篇目

  本次5篇文章分别是:(1) 夏洛蒂勃朗特的简爱chapter 12 开头部分节选。(2)Thomas Panie的Common sense 节选。(3) Eric Jaffe的cities are innovative because they contain more ideas to steal. (4) Sid Perkins的Cold Climate Shrinks Mountains (5) 双篇阅读pasage1 是Erin Wayman 的Oxygen boost aided carnivore evolution in Cambrian Explosion,Passage 2 是Tamarra Kemsley的Discovery Challenges Theory Behind Reason for Cambrian Explosion。

  2 10月1日SAT亚太阅读选段分析

  (1) 简爱选段。


  The promise of a smooth career, which my first calm introduction toThornfield Hall seemed to pledge, was not belied on a longer acquaintance with the place and its inmates. Mrs. Fairfax turned out to be what she appeared, a placid-tempered, kind-natured woman,

  of competent education and average intelligence. My pupil was a lively child, who had been spoilt and indulged, and therefore was sometimes wayward;

  本文就是小编提供的SAT 2016考题10月份真题分析,还有其他的新
