Should people's achievements be judged according to how much they help others?
Should people be treated according to what they are capable of achieving instead of what they have actually done? (2012年1月)
Should leaders be judged according to how well they treat people? (2012年12月)
2、这次的题目的问法是我们常见的,应不应该,我们直接回答yes or no 就可以了,对于这种直抒胸臆型的题目,学生不陌生,因为写作部分放在第一个section考,在心理程度方面,十月的考生是占优势的。
3、Should people’s achievements be judged according to how much they help others?人们的成就应不应该根据他帮助他人的多少来评判?
Capitalism offers us a wonderful way to quantify our achievements. However, with regard to how much “value” we should attach to these achievements, opinions are just diversified. In my view, the best way for us to evaluate individual successes is to look at it from how much degree it helps others, for this is what capitalism lies upon --- the division of labor.
Despite all the important roles assumed by each individual in their successes, any achievements, regardless of their influence on the society or what field in which they are made, should be considered to have been constituted by the joint efforts of the entire society. Thus, in attaching a value to each of these successes, an important criterion should be the degree to which they can contribute to the well-being of the society.