
2022-05-19 16:51:15




  Some people prefer talking about their opinion immediately when they get the topic, while others prefer to wait and listen to others before they talk about their own opinion. Which one do you prefer and why?



  本体属于典型的人际交往类题目,跟他人讨论问题时,是率先发表观点,还是等他人发表完观点后,自己再进行补充总结。其实后者更好回答,优点在于:倾听他人观点,或者先让他人发言,可以表示对别人的尊敬,是一种礼貌的方式,可以增进和他人的感情; 另外,让别人先发言,自己进行思考,可以拓宽自己的视野,丰富思路。


  In my knowledge, it’s better to listen to others opinions before stating our own thoughts. The reasons are presented below. First of all, everyone should be respected and have their own rights to state opinions. Giving chances for them to state their opinions is a way to show politeness when we are having a conversation. Meanwhile, they can easily tell whether we respect them and are interested in their thoughts or not, which strengthens our relationship with them. Secondly,offering chances for others to speak before us expands our horizons. Bouncing ideas off others enables us to have a profound understanding of the topics we are discussing. Their fantastic ideas may be inspiring.



