Carnegie Mellon University | 卡耐基梅隆大学申请经典真题与范文解析

2022-05-26 20:30:43

  1. Please submit a one-page, single-spaced essay that explains why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon and your particular major(s), department(s) or program(s). This essay should include the reasons why you've chosen the major(s), any goals or relevant work plans and any other information you would like us to know. If you are applying to more than one college or program, please mention each college or program you are applying to. Because our admission committees review applicants by college and programs, your essay can impact our final decision. Please do not exceed one page for this essay.


  【关键词】reasons why you’ve chosen Carnegie Mellon, major, department, program, goals, relevant work plans, any other information


  【题目分析】我们看到连一向强调创造与革新精神的CMU都出了一道如此常规的选择原因型题,可见美国大学对这类题型的喜爱程度。在写作时,申请人还是逃不掉两个大方向——对所选院校专业的详细了解,以及自己未来的目标与规划。CMU亦在题目中将这两个要求说得很清楚。除了写清以上两项,申请人还需要说明这两者是怎样互相契合的。归根结底,大学一方需要借由申请人的文章来了解他/她的个人需求,人生规划是否与大学所能提供的资源或者是大学本身的发展规划相匹配,比如,你本身的兴趣点和人生规划正好与学校在这个方面的发展计划相符合,学校能提供给你充分的支持,或者你们能在共同努力的领域内共同成长。正如What We Seek里所说,“We’re not looking for the ‘perfect’ student, but students who are a good fit for Carnegie Mellon.”因此,请申请人充分展示与CMU相合的一面,证明自己是CMU的perfect match。


  It might be hard to believe that going to IKEA is one of my favorite pastimes. I go there not just for shopping, but also to stroll around relishing the products and ambiance. Every time I look at the information tags, I see the names of designers printed on them, and can’t help but wonder what kinds of people these designers are. They are doing a magical job—just think about how many people around the world they are indirectly connected with! The IKEA designers are mainly located in Europe, but the results of their work are sold and used in New York, London, Tokyo, Stockholm, Shanghai, Sydney, in Riyadh and so many other places!

  I once picked up a plate and stared at it. It was a white, round plate and it seemed too simple and ordinary to be remembered. I asked myself silently, “does it even need to be designed?” Later I found out that the answer is yes. A great number of people misunderstand the necessity of design, as I did before. I thought that design was to make something different from stuff already in existence. For example, when I was an elementary school student, I firmly believed that a fashion designer creates diverse patterns of clothes that never previously existed. I, who flatter myself as having a flair for painting, tried to “design” a set of clothes, too. Of course, due to my lack of design skills, the clothes were peculiar in form: the blouse had too many layers and fringes, and the pants looked like bell-bottoms and were extremely huge. No one wanted to wear them.

  As I have matured, I gradually gained more knowledge about the world. I have come to understand that design is not about creating unconventional appearances or totally unique structures. Then I encountered the idea of Industrial Design. It made me realize that the concept of design is in everything, and that it focuses on both form and meaning. It is important for products to be visually and formally pleasant. What’s more, the design of products should support human activities and interactions. In my daily life I like observing common goods and products, such as the furniture we use, and think about how they satisfy people’s needs. If they do, then how is their design functional? If they don’t, what could be done to improve them?

  Carnegie Mellon University will provide me with systematic guidance in design: the industrial design program in the College of Fine Arts emphasizes human observation, modeling and testing. I can obtain professional knowledge and skills in industrial design, especially consumer and recreational product design, and I appreciate the idea that human observation is a significant part of the process. The multidisciplinary aspect of the program is also very appealing for this reason. It will give students clues on exploring people’s thoughts and needs that will facilitate better design.

  In addition, when I was browsing the CMU website I found that words like “innovation” and “creativity” were all over the place. Carnegie Mellon obviously places high value on these concepts, and I think it is design that requires them the most. As a student who dreams of pursuing a career in design, I hope I can unlock all of my potential while at Carnegie Mellon University, and one day have some subtle connection with people all over the world through my products. (566 words)




