托福TPO考点——神奇的 Cave Art

2022-06-10 06:14:50

  本文整理的是TPO 的听力中关于艺术话题部分,在之前考到过TPO3中Chauvet Cave,被称为洞穴艺术的起源,希望有些考生喜欢考古的肯定会被这篇文章吸引的,讲座中提到了这个洞穴笔画,更多精彩内容就一起来看下文吧。


  其实,自1875年来,考古学家就先后在欧洲,非洲,澳大利亚和北美发现了山洞壁画。其中最有名的当属1945年在法国南部发现的Lascaux。 在《The Humanistic Tradition》一书中有记载,The most famous of these discoveries was made in 1945 at Lascaux in southern France, where a once magnificent array of wall-paintings is now tragically disappearing as a result of algae, bacteria, and fungi. During the early 1990s additional prehistoric cave art came to light on the southern coast of France (Cosquer) and southeast of Lascaux (Chauvet). While Lascaux’s walls show a variety of commonly hunted species—bison, reindeer, elk, mammoths, and zebras—the newly discovered French caves reveal other Paleolithic creatures, including rhinoceros, horses, bears lions, panthers, hyenas, and sea birds.

  TPO讲座中提到,在Chauvet里,发现了hundreds of animal paintings, depicting at least 13 different species。But the Chauvet artists didn’t paint people. 考古发现,壁画中有画人的手,但没有整个人的画像。Professor提出了人们的疑问,为什么有些动物被画在了洞穴中,有些动物却没有?为什么不画人,而是要画手呢。

  继续查找文献资料,在《The Humanistic Tradition》中记载,It has been argued that some of the animals depicted in Chauvet cave were never or rarely hunted; however, archeologists confirm that extinct species of panthers, jaguars, and lions were indeed hunted by early humans, not exclusively for food, but because such animals were predators—Paleolithic people were as much preyed upon as they were themselves predators—and competitors for smaller game.

  Sympathetic magic has characterized religious ritual throughout the history of humankind, but it was especially important in the prehistoric world, where mastery of the natural world was crucial to physical survival. While we may never know the exact meaning or function of cave art, it surely must have served the communal well-being of a hunting-gathering culture.

  看过了这些,相信TPO中关于cave art的部分,理解起来,会更得心应手了吧。

