第一篇:Sumerian Contribution。文章主要讲解了苏美尔文明的发展。文章第一段讲解了苏美尔人对美索不达米平原的适应,在并不适合耕种的基础上发展水利工程,促进复杂社会结构的形成;第二段讲到当地职业细分出数学家、天文学家、工匠等等,并且讲到了文字的发展;最后讲解了苏美尔社会的其他方面的发展。TPO相似文章:TPO26-3 Sumer and the First Cities of the Ancient Near East。
第二篇:The Development of Ideas about the Moon’s Surface。文章主要探讨月球表面地理形态形成的原因。人们原来认为月球表面的坑是陨石撞击形成的,并且陨石撞击只发生在月球,地球上相似的地理形态是火山喷发形成的。后来证明原来的观点是错误的,月球上也有岩浆流淌形成的地理景观,地球也会遭到陨石的撞击。TPO相似文章:TPO25-1 The surface of Mars。
第三篇:Sociality in Animals。内部材料12套真题第七套第三篇原文。文章主要讲解了动物的社会协作行为。文章明确了社会协作行为在动物界是比较少见的,介绍了社会协作式生活和独居生活各自的利弊,包括协作猎食,对抗捕食者,动物传染病和群落资源争夺等方面。最后举例两类社群生活方式较为常见的昆虫,其中一种的协作行为是前辈后辈之间需要传递消化细菌。TPO相似文章:TPO17-3 Symbiotic Relationships。
Task 1
- attend exhibition in a photography museum
- attend a professional photographer’s lecture
- go on a road trip and practice taking pictures of nature scenery
Sample Answer:
Well, I’d say that a road trip is appealing to most people, not to mention that we get to have the chance to literally practice photographing skills and all. I am a person who loves and admires the splendid nature landscape. When I possess the professional ability to capture nature’s beauty with my camera, I won’t want to miss a single chance. Additionally, there must be experts in the club who can teach me the cutting-edge techniques, like how to adjust the aperture while shooting objects and landscape in sunlight, right in the outside nature, which is more practical.
Task 2
学校要限制图书馆网络的使用,只用来做学术相关搜索,不能用于发邮件以及其他娱乐,你是否同意?(Do you agree or disagree: Students can only use the library’s network to search for academic information, but not to send personal emails or for entertainment. )
Sample answer:
I don’t think it makes a lot sense. Coz there’s no clear boundary between academic and entertaining. Say if we are to study the different English accents, then we have to search for some possibly entertaining videos or shows given by English speaking individuals to do case studies. Is this academic or entertaining? Plus, sending emails with professors is like an indispensable part of our university life. If I’m not allowed to send emails in the library, then every time I need to discuss something with my adviser, I’ll have to run all the way back to my dorm. This is ridiculous.