英国签证雅思报名官网IELTS for UKVI

2022-06-03 17:02:56

  英国签证雅思考试也就是IELTS for UKVI。下面我们会把英国签证雅思报名官网链接已经关于此项考试的官网英文简介和大家分享,供大家参考。接下来一起来打开眼界看看英国签证雅思报名官网IELTS for UKVI ”



  IELTS for UKVI (Academic and General Training))

  IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training for UKVI are designed to meet certain administrative requirements that are specified by the UK Home Office.

  The actual test taken is the same as IELTS (for all other purposes), same content, examiners, format, level of difficulty, scoring and so on. If you are in doubt as to which test version to take, you should contact the organisation you are applying to check their requirements.

  以上就是雅思资讯:英国签证雅思报名官网IELTS for UKVI。去英国考雅思比在中国考便宜,如果恰好要去旅游,顺便把雅思考了也不失为一种两全其美的安排~最后预祝大家考试顺利!
