雅思阅读真经5,是考雅思学生阅读部分必做的一套题了,但这本书只有答案,没有详细解析。别的阅读解析我也看过,但大部分这类书就是把全文翻译一遍,然后把文中的很多生词罗列出来,在解析时,也没有讲具体的做题步骤与技巧.接下来就一起来看看今天雅思备考内容:雅思阅读真经5解析系列Chapter 7
Real Test1 passage 2
Passage 2 (People and Organisations: The selection Issue ----人和组织:选择问题)
12----16 (段落大意题)
I ----- demographics effect
ii----future changes European
iii---- unstructured interview
iv----person /skill
v----poor person-environment; implication
vi----poor decisions
viii ----person-environment
ix ----past and future demographic Europe
12 B段最后一句:This is a purely person/skills match approach to selection.
13 C段第2句:The individual has to ‘fit’ in with the work environment,with ……
这个题根据关键词可对应v和viii, 再仔细比较下这两个选项,主要是poor和implication.而C段这两个都没有,故答案为viii
14 D段首句:Poor selection decisions are expensive.
根据关键词很多学生容易错选为vi,可再仔细看下这句话,这句话主要是讲代价很大,而不是单纯讲一些poor selection decisions,主要是讲影响。这里的poor person-environment与poor selection decisions 是同一个方面,故答案为v
15 E段首句:However, despite ……,many organisations are still prepared to make this decision on the basis of a single 30 to 45 minute unstructured interview.
直接根据关键词unstructured interview, 对应iii
16 G段首句:The changing demographics will not only affect selection ratios.
1) 定位词:financial assets ----对应文中A段最后一句。
文中原句:A more complete explanation of “what went wrong” necessarily must consider the essence of what an organisation actually is and that one of the financial inputs, the most important and often the most expensive, is people.
1) 定位词:open-structured 45 minute interviews -----对应文中E段
【题目翻译】open-structured 45分钟的面试是识别可胜任员工的最好方式
2) 根据题目翻译,可精确定位到该段第4句。
文中原句:Research into the validity of selection methods has consistently demonstrated that the unstructured interview, where the interviewer asks any questions he or she likes, is a poor predictor of future job performance and fares little better than more controversial methods like graphology and astrology.
【原文翻译】这句话太长,只需找到句子主干:the unstructured interview is a poor predictor of future job performance
1) 定位词:graphology future job ----对应文中E段第4句 (与上题说得是一个事情,也是同一句)
2)精确定位到: little better than more controversial methods like graphology and astrology.
【原文翻译】没有传统的方式好,比如说graphology and astrology
【析】文中说传统的方式更好,其中包括了graphology; 而题目中也说其好,所以方向一致,故为Y
1) 定位词:future; age groups ----- 对应文中F段第2句
文中原句:Detailed surveys of social and economic trends in the European Community show that Europe’s population is falling and getting older.
1) 定位词:2020; under 20 ----对应文中F段倒数第3句
文中原句:By the year 2020, it is predicted that more than one in four Europeans will be aged 60 and barely one in five will be under 20.
【原文翻译】只有1/5人口是在20岁以下。barely 在这里是“仅仅,只”
1)定位词:female ; European Community---对应文中F段倒数第2,1句。
文中原句:In a five-year period between 1993 and 1998 the community’s female workforce grew by almost six million. As a result, 51% of all women aged 14 are now economically active in the labour market compared with 78% of men.
1)定位词:poor person-environment fit; low job satisfaction -----对应文中D段最后一句。
23 ---- 根据下面的low production rates等答案很好对应:organisational outcomes
25 ---- 接着也很好对应:absenteeism
24-----根据下面的poor health等,答案很好对应:individua outcomes
以上是今天网带给大家的雅思备考内容:雅思阅读真经5解析系列Chapter 7 Real Test1 passage 2。希望今天的内容能够帮助大家应对雅思考试的过程中,始终保持理智清晰的思路,从容地征服雅思考场!