China shipping address: 中国收获地址
street address: 街道地址
You can shorten People’s Republic of China to PRC:
province: 省 (中国、加拿大都用province这个词)
state: 州 (美国则用state)、在北美,各个州都有由两个大写字母组成的缩写。比如,纽约的缩写就是NY,加州就是CA。在加拿大也是一样,Ontario: 安大略省,缩写为ON,British Columbia: 英属哥伦比亚,所谓为BC。
district: 区 (如上海的静安区、北京的朝阳区,都叫district),美国人也有”区”,但其概念跟中国的有点不一样。Washington, D.C.=the District of Columbia: 华盛顿特区,Every place has a district: “区”的概念基本上哪里都有。It’s just we don’t use that word very much: 只不过(在加拿大)我们不怎么用“区”这个字
We just write the city and the street in addresses: 在写地址时,我们就直接写城市和街道
Cities in China are huge, but in North America, the administrative city tends to be quite small: 中国的市很大,但在北美,行政市通常小得多,It’s like the size of a district in China or even smaller: 地方跟中国的区差不多大,甚至更小,In the States, the administrative unit above cities is a county: 在美国,比市再高一级的行政单位是郡 county: 郡、县
Orange County: 橘子郡
In North America, the word “village” is seldom used: 在北美,“村”这个词并不很常用
zip code: 邮编,美国的说法
postal code: 邮编,更通用的说法
CA 90210: 加州90210, 就是Beverly Hills比华利山的邮编
Wow, you have a fancy zip code: 住在富人区
a ritzy neighborhood: 富人区
In America, the zip code format is the state abbreviation, followed by a 5-digit number: 在美国,邮编的书写格式是所在州的两个字母缩写,然后5位数的数字,Canadian postal codes is the provicne abbreviation, followed by a 6-digit combination ofnumbers and letters:加拿大的邮编是省的缩写,然后6位的字母加数字,在加拿大,圣诞老人有自己特殊邮编,人们过圣诞的时候可以给圣诞老人写信,而且还会收到回信哦。,The postal code was HOHOHO, which sounds like Santa’s laugh: 圣诞老人的邮政编码是HOHOHO, 连起来读像是圣诞老人的笑声
Room, unit, 还是suite?
Unit 501: 501室,多用于住宅区里的住址,Room 501;501房,更像是宾馆里的房间;Suite: 套房;Suite is mostly used for business addresses: “Suite”通常出现在办公地址里。Suites are usually really big and sometimes take up the whole floor: “Suite“一般都很大,很可能一整层楼都是一个Suite(办公地址)
What's the most appropriate word for "xiaoqu" in English? “小区”最恰当的英语说法是什么?。Complex: 小区,Neighborhood: 形容一个更大的街区、范围,不是地产商开发的小区,Compound: 这个词是形容部队大院儿的。 Usually, you don't need to write the name of the complex since you’ve written the street name, number and unit number, it’s safe to assume you’ll receive your package: 基本山,不用写小区名字,因为已经写了街道名、门牌号......
中国的路名常常有XX中路,YY西路,ZZ北路这样的,一般在路名里加上英语方位词即可:,书写的格式通常像上图路牌:Nanjing Rd. (W), 方位用一个字母放在括号里,但口语里会说:
West Nanjing Road: 南京西路
Middle Huaihai Road: 淮海中路
如果遇到南北,用South, North即可,不用Southern, Northern:
North Zhongshan Road: 中山北路
South Huangpi Road: 黄陂南路
Which floor do you live on?: 你住哪层楼?
When you're writing address, the unit number is pretty self-explanatory, e.g. 1001. It's the tenth floor: 写地址的时候,房间号就一目了然了,比如1001,当然是10楼
In spoken English, you would say “I live on the tenth floor”: 口语里,通常会用序数词表达楼层数,住在十楼就会说“I live on the tenth floor”
However, when written, “floor ten” is more common used: 但书写中,“floor ten”更常见
ordinal number: 序数词