
2022-05-25 15:55:44


  大家经常看到的SAT分数 25%/75% 分数比例的含义解释:



  What Do SAT Scores Mean in College Admissions Data?

  An Explanation of 25th / 75th Percentile SAT Scores Found in College ProfilesBy Allen Grove

  Much of the SAT data on this site and elsewhere on the web show SAT scores for the 25th and 75th percentile of students. But what exactly do these numbers mean? Consider a college profile that presents the following SAT scores for the 25th and 75th percentiles:

  SAT Critical Reading: 500 / 610

  SAT Math: 520 / 620

  SAT Writing: 490 / 600

  The lower number is for the 25th percentile of students who enrolled in (not just applied to) the college. For the school above, 25% of enrolled students received a math score of 520 or lower. The upper number is for the 75th percentile of students who enrolled in the college. For the above example, 75% of enrolled students got a math score of 620 or lower (looked at another way, 25% of students got above a 620).

  For the school above, if you have an SAT math score of 640, you would be in the top 25% of applicants for that one measure. If you have a math score of 500, you are in the bottom 25% of applicants for that measure.

  Understanding these numbers is important when you plan how many colleges to apply to, and when you figure out which schools are a reach, a match, or a safety. If your scores are below the 25th percentile numbers, you should consider the school a reach. Note that this does not mean you won't get in -- remember that 25% of students who enroll have a score that is at or below that lower number.

  Top Public University SAT Scores (mid 50%)

