
2022-05-18 10:51:33



  尽量7:30左右抵达考场, 7:45 考生开始进场,监考员会在考场外的告示版贴出考生名单,考生须寻找及核对自己的姓名及准考证编号(一般按姓氏英文字母排列),并记下自己的座位编号;

  进了考场后,包是放在自己座位底下的。自己的桌子上只能放港澳通行证 + tickets +铅笔+橡皮这4样东西。计算器也要收在自己的包包里。






  Please switch off your cellphone and other electronic devices, including electronic watches that have alarms. If any unnecessary noise heard is from you, you may be considered disqualified.


  If you, for any reasons, want to cancel your score, please do so by...Any later requirements regarding cancel ation of your score will not be entertained.Details can be found on the official sat WB..


  You are allowed to put only pencils, IC and other necessary stuff on the table.Please leave your bag in front of your row. Please do so now.


  Please note that you are only allowed touse calculator for the Math sections. If you are attempting sections other than Math, please place your calculator on the floor beside your table. Please note that all the Math questions can be done without a calculator.


  Please check that whether there is any error regarding your name, address and other particulars. If so, please come up to fill in... form.


  Please note that there is time limit for every section. You are not allowed to cross section.If any invigilator find you doing so, your may be disqualified.


  There will be breaks allocated in between the sections.


  Is everything understood?Any questions?If you want to go to the bathroom now please do so now as nobody is allowed to go to the bathroom until the first rest from then.



  You have 5 minutes left for section1/2/3·····这部分考试还剩5分钟。(每部分考试只剩5分钟时考官会提醒一次)

  Time is up. Please put down you pencil.Close you answer sheet and test paper. For the next section, if that is a Math section you may use your calculator, if not,please leave the calculator on the floor. You will have xx minutes to finish this section. Please turn to section xx and start now.时间到。放下铅笔,合上答题卡和试卷。如果接下来的考试是数学,则可以使用计算器。如不使用,就放在地板上。这个部分你有xx分钟。请打开到第xx部分开始考试。


  Now,please turn to the last page of the answer sheet and keep your question paper closed. Please copy the statement incurvy handwriting and sign your name below.


  Time is up. Please put down you pencil.Close your answer sheet and test paper.Insert your answer sheet into your test paper. Now you have a 5 minutes break.You may make your way to the bathroom.Please do not talk along the corridor.Anybody who is found to be discussing the questions or release the questions maybe disqualified. You should return by the time ... Please note that this is the last break and you will not have any break until the test ends. If you want togo to the toilet during anysection after this break, one of the invigilators will accompany you to thetoilet. You may go now.



  Now you have finished your test. Please do not release any of the test information and essay question until the ... is released. Please collect your stuff and make sure you have left nothing behind.You may leave now.





  考试须知念完之后,会下发答题卡和试卷册。 试卷册发下来的时候是反面朝上的,大家不要主动翻过来。拿到答题卡后,一定要等监考官说开始填之后再开始填。


