
2022-05-27 08:25:19


  Lady Day, as Billie Holiday was usually called, was the finest jazz singer of her generation, and it was the opinion of her fans, she was the greatest jazz singer of the twentieth century.

  (A) it was the opinion of her fans, she was

  (B) the opinion of her fans was of her as

  (C) her fans had this opinion, she was

  (D) for her fans, the opinion was of her as

  (E) in the opinion of her fans, she was


  Here, the conjunction “and” connects two independent clauses; read the second clause (beginning after “and”) as if it were a separate sentence.

  Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the sentence fragment error of the original by replacing the awkward and unnecessary "it was" with the preposition "in" to idiomatically state that Billie Holiday's fans considered her "the greatest jazz singer of the twentieth century."


  fragment ['fræɡmənt] n. 碎片;片断或不完整部分

  preposition [,prepə'ziʃən] n. 介词;前置词

  awkward ['ɔ:kwəd] adj. 尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不合适的


  Modern discus throwers use much the same technique of ancient Greece.

  (A) of ancient Greece

  (B) of ancient Greeks

  (C) as ancient Greeks did

  (D) as they did in ancient Greece

  (E) like ancient Greeks


  To make sense, the sentence must compare “Modern discus throwers” to another group of discus throwers.

  Choice (C) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by comparing what "Modern discus throwers" do to what "ancient Greeks did" (not to "ancient Greece," a comparison that would not make logical sense).


  original [ə'ridʒənəl] adj. 原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的

  throwers ['θrəuə] n. 投掷者;抛油环;制陶坯的工人

  discus ['diskəs] n. 铁饼;掷铁饼

  technique [tek'ni:k] n. 技巧,技术;手法


